Only Turkeys

I was our back practicing with this call and had a gobbler up on the ridge just losing his mind lol. Everytime I hit the call he'd gobble back. Hope he's around in a couple weeks when season opens. It's the first bird I've gotten to gobble with that damn wing bone call. It's way harder than diaphragm calls and I'm determined to get a bird with it.View attachment 5263173
I grew up with old Turkey hunters.We would get there raring to go before daylight,the old guys would say "give time for them to go to water and scratch around a bit before we go in" .If we got a few from a gang ,a call was made to seek out a different gang to keep from depleting the "seed" as they called it.
I'm pretty new to it and have been lucky to have really good guides on each of my hunts with them. I started out with a box call and then diaphragm calls and now I'm determined to get this wing bone call to work. I also do a disabled hunt every year down in SW Virginia and that's where I got the turkey call. Every year they give out hand made calls to each hunter and have killer door prizes they draw for. My first year I won a Remington 870 Turkey gun in 12 gauge which was awesome as my Mossberg 500 is a beat up old bush gun from my Uncle.
Yeah that's illegal in VA depending on the time of year. Unethical people have been known to use it to bait deer and turkey with it for hunting. I try hard to keep coyotes away from my place as they are hell on baby turkeys and I have two springs that they like to use. There's usually a couple hens close by on our mountain.
Yeah that's illegal in VA depending on the time of year. Unethical people have been known to use it to bait deer and turkey with it for hunting. I try hard to keep coyotes away from my place as they are hell on baby turkeys and I have two springs that they like to use. There's usually a couple hens close by on our mountain.
Those salt licks also cause problems with disease since the deer congregate around them and spread that wasting disease or whatever it is.
Fortunately I haven’t heard of cwd here yet
It's been spreading in VA. It came across the border from West VA and has been slowly spreading East and South across the state. My county hasn't seen it yet but they had a couple cases in the county next to us last season. It's a horrible disease that just destroys herds. Hope they can come up with some kind of good management plan. We also have invasive feral hogs coming into the state from down south now. They are terrible for turkey habitats.