lol you guys are wrong, i live right in central Ontario i had 5 plants out on the 5th of may and put another 5 out on the 20th all 10 plants are doing fine with under 8hours of direct sunlight a day, if your plants are going into flower it means your didn't harden them enough some people don't have to others have to for almost 2 weeks before their plants pick up again. it has a lot to do with your indoor environment if anything winds up becoming an abundance or lack there of when it goes outside your stressing your plants and they will start to flower out of panic that they wont be able to reproduce.
i have yet to find a way to completely revert this but i have found that once determining what the cause is you can prolong your veg a couple weeks by making up the difference, for me it meant getting a wind barrier up which this year actually did completely revert the flowering process but most of the time it will only deter it for 2-4weeks max.
saying that it has to do with your direct sunlight is poppycock, as long as your above your foot candle power recommendation to stay in veg you don't need full light this is a common misconception that personally the only thing it does it forces growers to become more risky with there plot locations such as the middle of a field.....
So first things first for figuring out whats causing it, lights you may not have the appropriate amount of foot candles try running a single 40 or 60w light bulb out to it and leave it on 16hr a day, option 2 do the same with a fan (lack of air is as bad as to much) option 3 wind barriers, option 4 nutrients your soil may just have to much of 1 thing and not enough of another try changing the N.P.K formula to something like 3-1.5-1 duno if it'll work but i know if you want to force flower drop the N pick up the P and K so maybe reversing it will do something.