Ontario outdoor grow Need Comments


Well-Known Member
It looks like your plants took some kind of damage from an animal or bugs of some sort... looks like a deer just came by and feasted for a bit lol . Ive lost lots of plants this year do to these problems and im in wny. That one plant looks real ice though!:clap:


Active Member
yea i actually found one plant 15 feet away from the tub.. some1 said by putting them in pots i may have caused root fungus


Active Member
check your day light times for out growing in your area, also would be good to have a indoor veg room then take them out side, with that you can make your plants 2-4 feet tall then put them outside


Active Member
What in the middle of this thread you plants got stolen??
I live close to you near det michigan. You didn't have enough light for veg really.
The light is alot less powerfull now ( when it does decide to comeout) so get a room setup
Also the temps the last few nights here have dipped into the 30's so get them in if
you find em.


Well-Known Member
Man, I live in Ontario too, outdoor plants always get stolen, You gotta find a real stealth place to grow and make sure NO ONE and I mean NO ONE knows where you are growing, even close friends.


Active Member
the amount of pot grown outdoors in ontario in the summer is massive so all of the ppl living in the city go out to the country and searh for dope