Ontario- Weed shops not an essential service and may be a source of Covid 19 spreading


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Ontario drops weed from essentials list amid calls for full intervention

April 3, 2020
1 Comment
Ontario drops weed from essentials list amid calls for full intervention

Chemdawg marijuana plants grow at a facility
(Reuters) - Ontario's government on Friday removed cannabis from a list of essential businesses allowed to operate during the lockdown, as part of its efforts to further restrict contact amid a deepening coronavirus crisis.
The move comes after health officials projected 80,000 coronavirus cases and about 1,600 deaths by month end under current policies, but added the number of deaths could be limited to 200 with "full future intervention".
It cannot be confirmed at this time whether cannabis containers, or the cannabis itself was contaminated and the source of several Covid 19 clusters.
Ontario, Canada's most heavily populated region, has reported 3,255 confirmed cases and 67 deaths.
Cannabis is still a part of the essential services lists in Quebec and British Colombia in Canada, and in several states in the United States.
Besides toilet paper and groceries, people have also rushed to hoard cannabis and alcohol as they prepare for long periods locked inside their houses.
U.S.-listed shares of Canadian pot producers fell in Friday's session, with Tilray Inc and Hexo Corp sliding more than 8%.
Well what a bonus to the LP system if they discovered their weed or containers are making folks sick. Not wishing for sick folks but you people get my drift.
I thought legal weed was supposed to make the weed safe for us...hahahahaha...fuck you blair and groper.....go BM go...
Well what a bonus to the LP system if they discovered their weed or containers are making folks sick.

Actually there's never been a long-term epidemiologic study that begins to evaluate cummulative effects from chronic exposure to the residues of savvy Pest Control Product soups, designed to pass individual/expensive "trace" testing while still boosting collective synergy toxicity... Perhaps the CoViD-19 crisis shall serve bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists by justifying systematic displacements tracking via police monitoring of wireless cellular grids, e.g. after closing doors to "legal" cannabis transactions exactly...

Now that the science is catching up to the politics, there is a bit of backpedaling going on. The virus is airborne, even talking and singing creates the perfect size droplets. Going inside any store is a risk right now, especially when very few masks are being worn.
just goes to show you the double standard...or maybe how much less of a problem cannabis is than alcohol....
liquor stores are essential because alcoholic's can die without...
I guess the same can not be said for cannabis.....
so which one should be illegal...??????????????????????????????????????????