Is this like a blog? A vlog? Am I the BLOG?

Anywho - just made a late night snack...I lurve sushi foods!

Semen-free, surprisingly...

Did I not answer? already? ooops. I was trying to use the Shin-ing to get it to you...

Nooo...I was born with a lazy eye...weak not gooooglie.

I wore an eye patch in grade 2.

It left me AWKWARD as FUCK.

I can't see those 3D picture things, and I run into EVERYTHING

zero depth perception - ZDP!

If I ever could have been a stripper mentally (which I'm not convinced I could), I would have fallen off the stage and been impaled on some creepy boner LONG before this moment...

Oh, I mean...No.


Wow. So did I. Ran into doorways, saw double. Had an operation when I was 6. But, somehow have depth. I am thinking about getting the adult correction. They use adjustable stitches so when you wake up they do some eye pointing drills and make the correction exact.

BTW, they don't let strippers get impaled accidentally. There is a charge to the customer.

Dear, you have this effect on men. I told you that, already. :)
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