OK, UB asked me not to blow your cover. You want to come with the pedo BS just to get a laugh, now everyone knows you're a sock puppet, only here to rile up the righties.
why do you think he has been remarkably quiet on the subject?
So UB knows who he is.
i don't know who he is, but i know what his game is because he told me. and i am LOLing harder than anyone right now.*
well, maybe not el tib. he seems to be having a grand old time.
don't these talking monkeys know that eden has enough to go around?
Age of consent in your narco shithole is only 1 year better than mexico... Oh I would also request you use your words better... You come across as a pedo with a quote like this;
no dont ban him hes hilarious.
This is all I see when he talks.
yea but he sounded like an annoying little columbian which was my point.
de plane de plane.
comeon tibo, say it just once.
Hervé Jean-Pierre Villechaize was French. I bet you think all black people look alike as well, you uneducated redneck.
i don't know about looking alike, but he did say that black males are worthless and he stands by it.
quite the ironic statement coming from an ex-con who spent time in prison.
i'm sure cheetosdick wasn't worthless as a prisoner, the little bitch was probably worth $0.30 a week folding laundry for the men folk, he was also quite possibly worth a bag of cheetos from the canteen traded to mean ol' bubba to be someone else's little ass-ramming bitch for the night.
i wonder how many black people must have raped that guy's ass deep while he was in prison.
i don't know about looking alike, but he did say that black males are worthless and he stands by it.
quite the ironic statement coming from an ex-con who spent time in prison.
i'm sure cheetosdick wasn't worthless as a prisoner, the little bitch was probably worth $0.30 a week folding laundry for the men folk, he was also quite possibly worth a bag of cheetos from the canteen traded to mean ol' bubba to be someone else's little ass-ramming bitch for the night.
i wonder how many black people must have raped that guy's ass deep while he was in prison.
lol now we are having fun.i don't know about looking alike, but he did say that black males are worthless and he stands by it.
quite the ironic statement coming from an ex-con who spent time in prison.
i'm sure cheetosdick wasn't worthless as a prisoner, the little bitch was probably worth $0.30 a week folding laundry for the men folk, he was also quite possibly worth a bag of cheetos from the canteen traded to mean ol' bubba to be someone else's little ass-ramming bitch for the night.
i wonder how many black people must have raped that guy's ass deep while he was in prison.
what does prison and poor have to do with each other?This is very funny. He used to be a prisoner? I was giving him too much credit, he is more poor than I gave him credit for. This explains so much about his hate of all things brown. He was fucked in his lily white ass because he is a weak gringo.
How does the esperma from a brown man taste on your lips? I think you enjoy the thrust of the mighty brown shaft between your lips and ass.
Tu eres la nena de papi. En su rodillas puta. Usted es un americano débil.