Oops little help please emergency flush


I screwed up. I miscounted the days. Trichs are turning amber. This is a critical mass strain. Today is day 50 on a 50 day strain. I started to flush with plain water yesterday thinking I had another 10 days. Seems I only have 3-4 days to flush. Any suggestions? I don't want harsh flavor. I've been using fox farm nutes.


Well-Known Member
If its a must that you need to pull down asap, then I would flush hard the first time. Make sure at least 3-5 gallons run in and out through the bottom of the pot/fabpot/whatever you using. Let it dry out once then another dose of clean water. Hopefully by then most of the nutrient ions are depleted in the plant and medium. If your using coco it will flush easier. Soil however you will most likely not deplete the ions in such a short flush. Theres many options you have you just have to decide what will work best for your situation.


I just dumped 5gal of plain water into the pot. It's a mesh pot and mostly coco. I'll do this over the next couple of days and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
The great "Flush debate" continues. Funny, growing up on a farm I don't remember any of my elders "flushing" their plants. I guess this doesn't apply to hydro but soil or peat based? No need to starve a plant for a redundant ritual that will have no effect on the final outcome. As others have stated, harshness comes from a poor curing with crappy drying techniques.
Wasn't there a number blind taste/smoke tests done that debunked this whole flushing nonsense?

Captain Plank-Eye

Active Member
So many smart people in here, ya never know what to believe.

My pot tastes like shit when I don't flush it. Now a days I don't smoke, i make edible concentrate but I still flush.

I also flush my toilet, as well as flush my eyes with drops when they're red


The great "Flush debate" continues. Funny, growing up on a farm I don't remember any of my elders "flushing" their plants. I guess this doesn't apply to hydro but soil or peat based? No need to starve a plant for a redundant ritual that will have no effect on the final outcome. As others have stated, harshness comes from a poor curing with crappy drying techniques.
Wasn't there a number blind taste/smoke tests done that debunked this whole flushing nonsense?
if the nutes are stored in the leaves, buds and roots, how exactly is one starving their plant in the last few days?

Also, use them up and get your money's worth.


Well-Known Member
Thank you I haven't spoke up didn't want to be verbally attacked! Honestly flushing to them is Hosing out the greenhouse "flushing" out bacteria airborne crap you get the idea


Well-Known Member
Oh good what a load off my mind! Seeing all these fine people wasting there $. I HATE Moitary waste! It Keeps You from your GOALS!


Well-Known Member
Ah yes The ol flush mah plants routine!

In all of my life I have never seen water flow out of a plant, sap yes, water no.

How anyone could possibly think drowning roots would remove anything from the plant is beyond me. Farmers do not over water the fields prior to harvest so why would pot growers?