OOPS! transplant shock


Active Member
I just repotted 4 plants, and 2 seriously freaked on me and are now drooping very low. Someone on here told me to get some SuperThrive, but I could not find that in all 4 superstores I went to.

If they droop a whole lot, is it possible for them to come back? Or am I fucked when it comes to those plants?


Active Member

pics would be good...How big are they? could be from lack of water or overwatering.
is that good?

you can see two wilters in the back, and two that were okay in the front, front left one wilted a tad, but with some support was okay, the other two are just droopy as fuck.


Active Member
Super thrive is sold at most green house/gardens centers..It does look like transplant shock. How old are they?
a few weeks old, they were all in one pot, but they were covering eachother up, so i decided to seperate them into different pots, when I did this, they started drooping after a little bit.