OP G13 Classifed take 2


Active Member
Veg Light schedule: 24h
Veg Bulbs: 3 daylight 30watt (1,920 lumen)
Flower Light Schedule 12/12
Flower Bulbs: 3 warm white 30watt (2,600 lumen)
Soil: Fox Farm
Insulation: Styrofoam
Reflection: Black/White plastic
Fans: 5x 80mm, 1 top (exhaust) 2 back, 2 front (intake)
Power: Rigged a Power Supply to Motherboard.
Vent: Flexible Dryer Duct

The unknown seed came from some chron I had a while back. I put it in paper towel about 9 days ago. I was experimenting how long a seed takes to sprout. While i waited to get the gold purple seeds.
I got 2 gold purple seeds germing since 4/20. I forgot to add water since theres 2 seeds.
I might get them into cups tonight if their feet get a bit longer.



Active Member
Day 10 of veg.
Just topped/pinched my baby.

And i haven't had to water her since i transplanted. So it seems the news paper and perlite are doing a great job.



Active Member
Major set back.
My fan filters hurt more than help. I switched in common window screens to stop SOME bugs.
I also switched back to my racer bulb setup (daylight) (daylight) (warm light) since my baby is still a shrimp. I will have pictures of when shes feeling better.
Wish me luck before I have to go for a hike.


Active Member
Day 20
Day 1 Flower,
Switched to 12/12, Switched all my bulbs to warm light.
It doesn't smell but my own personal O2 is being snuffed


Active Member
Day 27
Day 8 Flower
I am thinking about putting her back under daylight lights, since she seems to not have fully recovered from when i topped her. That was when she wasn't getting enough air.
She has been growing in the spot, but not as well as she SHOULD be.
I will leave the flower time.



Active Member
Day 32
Flower 13
She is growing strong, but i won't be getting a middle cola since i messed up. Other than that i am happy and can't wait to smoke this bitch.
I also added some honey and water in a spray bottle and she seems to like it. My next water I might mix up a batch and feed that to her.



Active Member
Damn no comments on this? Your plant looks to be healthy and lovin it.

I thought that rope were the roots haha. ROOT INVASION!!


Active Member
Thanks for the comment. it looks healthy, but if i didn't mess up it would be taller and look more killer. This maybe a blessing to keep it short, but i have so much room, I am kind of sad.

But i can't wait to see the buds i get.


Active Member
I can clearly see signs of female sex.:cool: Looks great right now. I might go and pick some some food for her. She has been trooping in premium premix soil. I would take a pic but it wouldn't be clear enough.


Active Member
Day 47
Flower 28
Pot/Babies Measurements
Height: 1' 2"
Length: 1'
With: 7"
The buds are looking nice. For what I got.
I just rebound a few of her arms. I got a lot more room now.
She is root bound so i have to water her a bit more. If I was to fix this, I would have to buy the same pot. Dice it up to make it taller. AND add more soil. BUT the problem with that is than she has taller shoes.
Near Future Plan: If i want to see bigger buds. And hopefully not worry about the shoes issue. I think I would have to go to my local hydro store and pick up some good Nutes.

Pictures are 360 DEGREE.

Comments welcomed.



Active Member
Day 51
Flower 32
At the moment I am not expecting much, just to keep watering and hoping.
I just moved all my buds arms under the light area. They running wild atm with only a few strings holding her back. With my next grow i plan to go all out. Buy proper nutes, 92/120mm fan exhaust upgrade, temp/most reader, ph soil and water tester kit, longer power strip to fit 4 bulbs and maybe reflective mylar. This was my best first success experiment so i am happy what i was able to do. I am not sure when its going to be harvest time :) but some of the buds hairs are already turning brown. I thought that was due to nute burn. When i feed her the first time i followed the instructions, but since i thought my pot is more than 5 gals, i gave her a bit more. BAD IDEA i now always plan to follow what they explain, not matter my container. Unless it's on the back of the nutes. Anyways, I got a lot i am going to improve on with my box. I could do it now, but i would rather get a clone next time and have the best conditions ready for her.
This is a Budget experiment grow.

