Opana vs Morphine


Well-Known Member
A friend who shares his meds with me on occasion has been through a range of pain meds over the last few months. He is missing his colon, has a desparate need for a hernia operation that he will likely never get because his heart is demed too weak for the operation, and as a result has severe back pain as well.

He has gotten 5 mg oxy IR and a supply of hydro 10's. They seem to have been working for him but they abruptly changed to fent 50 mcg patches. Now this guy listens to me with regard to pain meds both because I try to be knowlegeable and because I managed my mother's and fathers pain meds (in concert with the doctor) before their deaths. When my father exhibited severe pain in the hospital one particular time he told me that the nurse was refusing to give him any more meds. I am a rather imposing figure and when I am on the side of righteousness, I can be all the more.... Influencial. I sought out the nurse and demanded that he medicate my dad, the guy said he could not because of regulations and I warned him that were he to refuse to take special interest in my father, he would assuredly begin to feel pain levels identical to those my father was experiencing and that it was in his best interest to ensure that my father was comfortable. He found a way in an extraordinarily short period of time.

But back to the current story, the patches made him groggy and he didn't like them nor did his family - who weren't patient enough to let the patches settle down in his system, so he gave them up (hence my current situation in another thread).

They changed his treatment to 20 mg er oxy and 10 mg hydro for breakthrough. Now the doc wants to change it yet again, even though my buddy seems to be just fine on his new plan, he is present, cheerul and active. they want to give him another treatment.

"I know u are busey I have a question they want to stop my oxy and switch to morphine sulfate avinza or opaner what up I dont want to be no junkie - #1 old goat"

Was his text.

So what is the difference between oxymorphone and morpine? why might they be changing again, what about breakthrough? I don't want to advise him for my purposes (diversion) because I like the guy a lot and hate to see him in a fix. I told him not to worry about being addicted (I didn't tell him that I doubt he will live more than a few years - so what's the harm in an addiction) I did tell him that a proper course of pain meds - for pain don't often result in untennable addictions but I am curious as to why they would change again, what are the effects of oxymorphone, are they different than hydromorphone (I didn't like it much) and I have yet to look up avinza. I know that there are some opiate experts on this site who could lend me some understanding.



Well-Known Member
opana will probably make him more groggy than morphine. Opana used to be my favorite. 2 of the 40's was like snorting 5 oxy 80's at least. And it had the best nod out of any opiate I've done (which is all of them ha). I have heard people that shoot them say that it is similar to hydromorphone... but not for me the popper/snorter. Morphine always produced a pretty dirty buzz for me. And it takes way too much. a lot of the opanas now days you can't even snort without using a dremel tool on it. He should be able to try them both, right? I think if he's been doing oxy and hydro for a while, the opana will be much stronger, and morphine won't do the trick... depending on the dose they give him. even the 10mg opana pills are enough for most people. I'd compare 10mg oxymorphone to 30mg oxycodone. although a different buzz.


Well-Known Member
If I were him I would ask my dr point blank why he wanted to change a med regiment that was working. switching to 50ug/hr patches from 20mg OC BID or TID is kinda crazy. Fent can rape your tolerance over the short term though.
If I had to take Opana or Avinza I'd go with Opana because I really dislike morphine. The histamine related side effects get nasty for me.


Well-Known Member
If I were him I would ask my dr point blank why he wanted to change a med regiment that was working. switching to 50ug/hr patches from 20mg OC BID or TID is kinda crazy. Fent can rape your tolerance over the short term though.
If I had to take Opana or Avinza I'd go with Opana because I really dislike morphine. The histamine related side effects get nasty for me.

Thanks, I'll give him you guy's feedback when I see him on tuesay. He needs a new hobby. I gave him an espresso coffee maker and he now enjoys a good cup of espresso with a premium (well... to him, I love the guy but I can't afford to support more than one high end cigar habit - my own - so he gets the middle of the road sticks,which he enjoys) I will be introducing him to roasting his own beans on tuesday, got him a couple of lbs of green Mocha matari and some Java and will teach him how to roast them in a air popcorn popper and do a little blending. the guy used to be a big shot in a national bike gang (I don't think he would appreciate my being specific about his outlaw biker past) so we sit and watch taped sons of anarchy while HE drinks the coffee (that time is passed for me) and we smoke a good cigar)


Ursus marijanus
If I were him I would ask my dr point blank why he wanted to change a med regiment that was working. switching to 50ug/hr patches from 20mg OC BID or TID is kinda crazy. Fent can rape your tolerance over the short term though.
If I had to take Opana or Avinza I'd go with Opana because I really dislike morphine. The histamine related side effects get nasty for me.
I otoh found morphine to be the best in terms of ratio of desired (analgesic) to side effects. I would be so bold as to say it's individual. I'd let the doc try it, so long as he's assured you he'll switch back if you require it. cn


Active Member
Really wish I could help you canndo, which is why I am bumping this thread (unless you already got the answer, in that case, my bad). Just wanted to say I have a new-found respect for you, not exactly sure why. Maybe it was because you helped me a great amount during my newbie mushroom growing days. Good luck with whatever you got going on! ;-)


Well-Known Member
Really wish I could help you canndo, which is why I am bumping this thread (unless you already got the answer, in that case, my bad). Just wanted to say I have a new-found respect for you, not exactly sure why. Maybe it was because you helped me a great amount during my newbie mushroom growing days. Good luck with whatever you got going on! ;-)

Thanks for the respect. I am going to see my friend in about 20 minutes. He has far too many health problems for a guy in his late 60's but that is the way things are I suppose. He is filled with amazing stories. I cut my teeth with other's stories when I used to prompt my grandfather for them. While other 18 year olds were out partying I was spending my time with my grandfather, giving him joints and listening to his recounting of his smuggling days (smuggled canadian whiskey into Washington in a biplane). We finally wound up smuggling pot into Canada with keys strapped to the bellies of cows. Anyway, I wish I had recorded his stories. Then my father told stories, some of which I managed to write down - he didn't like recorders. He spent his days in the military over enemy lines driving a jeep with a driver and a trailer filled with sacks of sugar. He would trade the sugar for liquor in France and later in italy and bring the results to his commanding officer "what did YOU do in the war daddy?"

Anyway, I enjoy personal stories, espeically of outlaws and scofflaws - the guy enjoys my stories, now that I am finally old enough to have some - in fact I practices sometimes on this site - there are a few unembelished or only slightly embelished stories here and there in Rollitup.

And so I visit him, we smoke cigars (his new found habit) and swap old guy drug and smuggling stories. Once in a while he gives me some of his meds but he always asks me if his doctor is doing something he doesn't understand.

In fact I have an idea.


Well-Known Member
I know a kid who who did a few lines of an opano 40 mg and ODed about 2 months ago. He was like 15 or 16 weighing about 100 pounds. Rip billy. And also ive tried opana a few times and he will for sure be just as medicated as the oxy 20. FOR SURE.