• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Open letter to all I-5 motorists

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Active Member
Sorry if I am late to this post but let me say that the state law requires all slow moving vehicles to move to the right... I do not need your dumb ass to regulate how fast I drive... What are you? the speed control NAZI? If you are driving down the interstate and you happen to glance in your rear veiw mirror and you notice a car comming up on your rear and it is of no inconveinence to you to move over, why wouldn't you? Oh let me guess, because you are driving a 75 horse power piece of shit and you hate anything to over power you...I would bet my left nut you are a leftest democrat....
Fuck I worked my whole life to drive this dinosaur bone burning monster I love... PEACE


Active Member
Okay, This goes for anyone that is a dick on the road. My old as shit made of steel truck/car vs. your newer beamer/honda/lexus etc. I honestly don't care about my vehicle, so lets see how much you care about yours. :)

and WHAT if the person is in an emergency and actually needs to speed? I love going to the emergency room and being slowed down by a bunch of touchholes.


Well-Known Member
To answer each of your questions....
1) Is it OK for me to break the law because I don't want it to take longer to get home? No. Is it more acceptable or less acceptable to break the law by speeding instead? I would say less, as it is far more deadly and dangerous to other safe motorists.
2)How can I accuse someone of selfishness for breaking one law, yet not call myself selfish for breaking another law? I don't. I am being selfish by sticking left at 10 over. Speeders are being, in my opinion, more selfish by expecting me to accomodate their unsafe and deadly driving practices. I choose not to move right and possibly be slowed so they can go faster than LEOs allow.
3)No link for the 11 mph law, but go ahead and ask any Arizonan or just take a cruise through that state and see for yourself. 10 over = no ticket, 11 over = ticket. Or watch Speeders on TruTV or ask any LEO you may know. 10 over (in optimum conditions) is the maximum speed considered r&p by highway patrol and just about any other LEO.
4)The poll was unscientific, but I would say the one or two pricks that tailgated me unsafely every 20 miles or so were far outweighed by the 100 other cars and trucks I passed between their visits to my bumper.

Please do not make this thread disappear. I still stand behind my decision.

Wow, a bit hostile for a marijuana forum, ya think? Board rules apply to everyone here. I count 2 insults and 2 death wishes. Hopefully you can pull a harvest soon, you need it, bud
yet you feel it's ok to keep insulting speeders?

you need to smoke one and get the fuck outta the way.


Well-Known Member
You know you're lazy, selfish and a true asshole when you can't move the wheel 1 inch to the right and then 1 inch back to the left in a mere 5 second time span to let someone who MIGHT ACTUALLY NEED TO GO FASTER THAN THE PACE YOU SET because they need to be somewhere.

As long as you can acknowledge that your an inconsiderate prick then feel free to stand behind your point of view. The two go hand in hand.


New Member
You know you are lazy, selfish, and a truly hostile asshole when you expect everyone to move out of your way so you can speed unsafely with no emergency or fire to get to and threaten to collide with or kill/injure the person not speeding.

Hey, I remember seeing some fo you guys out there....pulled over to the side of the road, having a nice chat with CHP.

Kinda defeats the point of speeding, doesn't it?

Trying to defend speeding over camping out here is ridiculous. It is like arguing that it is better to drive drunk than stoned.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i freaking love that you just had a go against speeders yet you've admited time over that you are speeding anyways when this happens.

when i am speeding, i am not dangerous, my breaking distance isn't 150m. know why? i learnt how to drive..

the whole point is you have no idea what reason, if any, the person behind you is speeding for. you are the selfish one that doesn't gie two damns about possibilities so you'll do it your way, christ. if you feel this strongly aboiut speeding then 1. STOP DOING IT YOURSELF 2 JOIN THE POLICE. why are you so morally perfect doing 10 over and Joe is a bastard child out to take out other motorists driving dangerously doing 20 over? according to your words "you are lazy, selfish, and a truly hostile asshole" it's bloody brilliant. get of the fucking road before somone get's hostile for a good reason and gives you somehting to think about.

don't take it out on other people cus you're retarded behind the wheel and can't cope with speed...

um, you know that if you get arrested for drink driving, you can get off if there is valid reason to force you behind the wheel, you don't have valid reason for being the prick slowing the rest of the world down.


New Member
i freaking love that you just had a go against speeders yet you've admited time over that you are speeding anyways when this happens....according to your words "you are lazy, selfish, and a truly hostile asshole" it's bloody brilliant.
Again, I have never heard of a ticket being written at 9 over in optimal conditions, I have heard of many being written at 11 over in optimal conditions. Do we need to have a discussion about spirit of the law vs. letter of the law? Surely this concept cannot be so difficult to grasp...

As far as the 'lazy, selfish, bla bla bla'.....I was simply using the verbiage of the post above. It seems my camping out is agregious enough to merit such outrage, why shouldn't speeding (which kills more drivers than camping out, I'm sure)?

If you hav an emergency you need to be speeding for, call 911 and let them know, you can get a police escort and REALLY fly.

I would have no problem speeding myself, I love to drive fast. I walk fast, I talk fast, I eat fast, and I would love to drive the same way because I can handle it. The main reason we don't speed is not because it is unsafe to ourselves, but rather that it is causing a danger to the other drivers on the road who are driving safely.

But go ahead, tell me why speeding is better than camping out and why YOU can't be bothered to switch to the right lane if my 10 over isn't good enough for you.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
because that's not how it works. as simple as that :) FDD has shown you the signpost, youa re in the wrong. as simple as that :)

and i like that you only class it as speeding if you're pulled over for it :)

and sorry, how am i ebing a danger to over drivers doing 80 instead of 60, while you're doing 70. if they are competent, then they will be looking in their mirrors, they will not be changing lanes blind. how bad a driver must you be to find driving in a straight line dangerous and all that :lol: i pity old people who can't quite drive upto speed, but from someone like you, who i assume is young, lol, go re-do your test :lol:


Well-Known Member
You know you are lazy, selfish, and a truly hostile asshole when you expect everyone to move out of your way so you can speed unsafely with no emergency or fire to get to and threaten to collide with or kill/injure the person not speeding.

Hey, I remember seeing some fo you guys out there....pulled over to the side of the road, having a nice chat with CHP.

Kinda defeats the point of speeding, doesn't it?

Trying to defend speeding over camping out here is ridiculous. It is like arguing that it is better to drive drunk than stoned.
This is entirely hypocritical because legally you are speeding as well. WHO THE FUCK are you to judge what another driver considers "speeding". They know the fucking risk but sometimes the risk is worth the reward and that decision is entirely up to them, not you.

With your logic, I can just as validly argue you going 10 over is very reckless just like you think going 20 over is reckless.

Like I said, who the fuck are you to decide how other people should live their lives?

I'm sorry, but this is NOT North Korea.


Well-Known Member
You know you are lazy, selfish, and a truly hostile asshole when you expect everyone to move out of your way so you can speed unsafely with no emergency or fire to get to and threaten to collide with or kill/injure the person not speeding.

Hey, I remember seeing some fo you guys out there....pulled over to the side of the road, having a nice chat with CHP.

Kinda defeats the point of speeding, doesn't it?

Trying to defend speeding over camping out here is ridiculous. It is like arguing that it is better to drive drunk than stoned.
you are doing the exact same thing. only you don't get it and we all do.

not ONE other person on this whole site agrees with you. pay attention to things like this and you will move forward in life. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Again, I have never heard of a ticket being written at 9 over in optimal conditions, I have heard of many being written at 11 over in optimal conditions. Do we need to have a discussion about spirit of the law vs. letter of the law? Surely this concept cannot be so difficult to grasp...

As far as the 'lazy, selfish, bla bla bla'.....I was simply using the verbiage of the post above. It seems my camping out is agregious enough to merit such outrage, why shouldn't speeding (which kills more drivers than camping out, I'm sure)?

If you hav an emergency you need to be speeding for, call 911 and let them know, you can get a police escort and REALLY fly.

I would have no problem speeding myself, I love to drive fast. I walk fast, I talk fast, I eat fast, and I would love to drive the same way because I can handle it. The main reason we don't speed is not because it is unsafe to ourselves, but rather that it is causing a danger to the other drivers on the road who are driving safely.

But go ahead, tell me why speeding is better than camping out and why YOU can't be bothered to switch to the right lane if my 10 over isn't good enough for you.

why is there a website devoted to stopping exactly what it is you are doing? YOU ARE ENDANGERING PEOPLES LIVES!!!!!!! :cuss: you go on and on about how it's "know" that 10 is ok and 11 is bad. well, it is also "know" that you keep right to faster traffic. do you realize how hypocritical you are being?

LINK =====>>>>> http://californiakeepright.com/

what does this mean, it's even fucking trademarked? :wall: ........................ SAVE A LIFE! KEEP RIGHT!TM

how about this? ........................

are you a terrorist? i think you might be. :cuss:

California Keep Right would like to address the problems that undisciplined motorists create on our roads and freeways. People driving slowly in the passing lanes cause a hazard by impeding the free flow of traffic. Failure to Keep Right leads to three main issues: traffic safety, traffic congestion and road rage. With your support, through public awareness and tougher keep right laws, we can and will make California a safer and more enjoyable place in which to drive.
According to the California Driver Handbook(2004) Right of Way Laws, “There are times when you must drive slowly because of heavy traffic or bad weather. However, if you block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic by driving too slowly, you may receive a ticket. When you drive slower than other traffic, do not drive in the “fast” lane. Move to the right when another driver is close behind you and wishes to drive faster. When you drive a bus, tow a vehicle or trailer, or drive a truck with three or more axles, you will be traveling slower than other vehicles. You must drive in the right-hand lane or in a lane specially marked for you. If no lanes are marked and there are four lanes in your direction, you may only drive in either of the two lanes closest to the right side of the road.” See California Law for more information.
There are many traffic safety laws. “SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT” may be the most important. Not only is it a law, but also a guide on how to maintain order on today’s busy roads and freeways. With millions of vehicles and usually between two and four lanes this is the only way that motorists of differing speeds can share the road safely and orderly. Lane Courtesy by motorists can have an immediate impact on all of California’s roads. Driver education is our number one priority! View California Keep Right Rules of the Road.
The need for motorists to "Keep Right" is critical when an emergency vehicle is approaching with flashing lights and sirens. It is the Law! All too often drivers panic or freeze. Many drivers do not know what to do when an emergency vehicle approaches with flashing lights and sirens. In most, if not all states, the law states that you should, "Yield to emergency vehicles with flashing lights and sirens. Safely and Immediately move to the right hand edge of the roadway clear of any intersection." If motorists obeyed the "Keep Right" laws at all times, "First Responders" would reach emergencies faster and safer, which would result in more lives being saved.
Undisciplined motorists who block traffic through ignorance, inattention, or just being inconsiderate show a disregard for public safety and the normal practice of defensive driving. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Whether you drive fast, slow, or moderate, people who drive slowly in the passing lanes cause a hazard for all of us. We need your help to make our roads and freeways safer and less congested.

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular][SIZE=-1]Slower Traffic Keep Right[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular][SIZE=-1]Thank you, and Drive Safely![/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular][SIZE=-1]California Keep Right[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular][SIZE=-1]Sign our Petition to strengthen California's Keep Right Laws![/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular][SIZE=-1]For more information on Keep Right laws, research, statistics and organizations, visit our "Resources" page.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular][SIZE=-1]For Traffic information or resources visit our Traffic Center.

how thick are you? :neutral:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
consider this very simple principal

two road signs, one saying slower traffic keep right, one saying 65, why do you believe you get to pick and choose which signs need to be followed and which don't.

this choice has nothing to do with other motorists, but just you, those signs are law. if you chose to violate the first sign, why should they feel they should keep to the second? by all reasoning you should be EXPECTING them to speed, unless you're of the thinking that only you matter and noone else is right, your wayyyy or the highway (see what i did there :P)


Well-Known Member
some of those people on the side of the road are being stopped for impeding the flow of traffic. and unless you've stopped and conducted another one of those infamous polls, you can't argue otherwise.


Well-Known Member
haha i was going to say, when 99% of people disagree with you, maybe you should re-look at the facts and forget your own opinion...at least for the time being i mean come on. do you want everyone on this site to know how much of a "know it all" you are?

and we know what they say about know it alls...

this is one of the beliefs I strongly live by...

If instead, multiple people could be simultaneously “right”, you’d find that the closest
facsimile of “absolute truth” is the exact AVERAGE of every opinion in the world. None
of us are absolutely “right” alone, but we’re all “right” together.

I'd say if we took the exact average of every opinion of every American on the AmericaKeepRight law, you'd find that the "absolute truth" is roughly inline with the majority of the opinions posted in this thread.


Well-Known Member
If he had it to do over again, I'll bet the OP wouldn't have started this thread. Now he's sort of locked in.


Active Member
The OP thinks that he is somehow unique and that his views are correct even when confronted with facts, logic and common conventions to the contrary. If you challenge him he will claim that you are being "difficult" or unreasonable. You exist to meet his needs or you are a douche. Pick one.



New Member
I love how ready everyone is to defend speeding and condemn not keeping right, while still throwing in the hypocrite remark for favoring one law over another :hump:

I started this thread shortly after getting home from just under 5,000 miles on the road. The first 4,500 or so, I made sure to get right when someone came up behind me, and did not lose too much time behind other drivers. But from about Sac to Redding, I had a string of drivers ruthlessly tailgate me until I moved over, and then fail to pass with any haste whatsoever. Sometimes, these fools even lost speed. Meanwhile, 5-10 motorists stack up and tailgate him, and I have to wait behind atruck doing 60 while these folks all pass before I can get back over again. I decided I was sick of it and drove my own way the last 400 or so miles. It seemed a good policy on the road, I honestly thought the idea would get some support, especially from stoners.

I guess that's not the way it is. Oh well, no big fucking deal. Except for the Blue Honda that suffers vehicular assault from some homicidal road raging maniac. Good thing I drive an Infiniti i30 and only took the Honda for gas mileage that time...

I honestly never thought I'd see so many death wishes and threats of vehicular assault in any case. Kinda telling about the way some of the responders must drive...
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