Open Show and Tell 2015!

PR Was a good active stone. Not the couch lock - mind/body blockers that so many of the strains today have these days. It had a real earthy smell and taste. Don't remember quite the super rich red color you got going, but hey your shit looks terrific! (It was more brownish back in the day... cure/dry?) It was more a cerebral high that you could function on. Example... While playing Frisbee at the park (stoned as fuck!) you still had a clear enough head to deal with the "man or whatever" when he came nosing around. However it did if I remember correctly cause a hell of a munchie syndrome. LOL Love to be tasting that herb again.
I know were your coming from hah Could be stoned as fuck but still hold a convo if the odd nozey came over :) Yea I think I just got lucky with the purple phenos, they're usually green or have red/pink hairs but apparently they changed a few things around to get more purple and green phenos. It says Ace Panama combines 3 excellent sativas from Panama. Its aroma and effect are reminiscent of the best Colombian and Panama Red sativas from the 70’s. I think they took a Panama green and a couple of other sativas from around Panama and cossed them up hah Would love to try the original i saw some pics and man that shit looked wack as hell! A mate and me had a small half wet joint ( We were drunk ) lol And the high was great we got the munchies and went down to the shops very optimistic and not so paranoid or heavy like some of todays strains but nice and id say... Up! Cant wait to properly get her dried and cured.
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2 plants cheese x kush , should be ready in 2 weeks or so