Open Show and Tell 2015!

Was he scooping out the place? You think he is gonna try somthing?
At least u know where he lives, but I'd still want an explanation as to why he was there...etc
Was he scooping out the place? You think he is gonna try somthing?
At least u know where he lives, but I'd still want an explanation as to why he was there...etc
I watched video and hes never got out of the car just parks on my property. Old man across from me said he had to chase tweeks from his driveway with his shotgun before i moved in and when my house was empty tweeks broke in and the old man chased them down also with his shotgun. Im gonna fuck with him. I have multiple buddies/workers that are going to follow him everywhere. One will be posted at his house today!
My buddy and I scared the crap out of the tweeker! went outside at 2:45 in full camo and sat in the dark! mother fucker pulled up and I yelled "BOO mother fucker" and ran at his car. I hear him say "oh shit" then I tell him "I'll be here every night waiting for you". He tried to take off but my buddy was already in his car ready to follow. Now I know where the tweek lives too! I'm tired as hell, damn tweekers staying up all night... well it's almost 420am I'm going to smoke then to bed finally...
Please tell me you have the footage from that! Save that shit!
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My jeep can eat your taco anyway dude!!

My parents had a 86 Toyota Camry that they sold when it reached 225k miles
Awesome cars!!
my first car was an 88 toyota corolla. I drove it from seattle to sacramento and back 6 times and around town for 2 years and never changed the oil! I got my next car and sold it to a friend for $200 when it hit 200k miles. he changed/put oil in when he bought it and drove it for 3 more years never changing the oil then sold it for $500 whith almost 250k on it! Gas was less than $1 a gallon and the thing got about 30mpg. that was good times!
I have a 2012 fiat 500 that I drove from Miami back home to So. California for $235.00 in gas.. Sure it only has 101 hp but who cares I can drive for ever with having to put gas in.. If I want to go fast then I drive the Camaro ;-)

QUOTE="unspecified, post: 11648486, member: 900846"]my first car was an 88 toyota corolla. I drove it from seattle to sacramento and back 6 times and around town for 2 years and never changed the oil! I got my next car and sold it to a friend for $200 when it hit 200k miles. he changed/put oil in when he bought it and drove it for 3 more years never changing the oil then sold it for $500 whith almost 250k on it! Gas was less than $1 a gallon and the thing got about 30mpg. that was good times![/QUOTE]

I'm all subaru. I already have the sedan and wagon with sti swaps so my next project is one like the subaru brat in the pic.
I have a 2012 fiat 500 that I drove from Miami back home to So. California for $235.00 in gas.. Sure it only has 101 hp but who cares I can drive for ever with having to put gas in.. If I want to go fast then I drive the Camaro ;-)

QUOTE="unspecified, post: 11648486, member: 900846"]my first car was an 88 toyota corolla. I drove it from seattle to sacramento and back 6 times and around town for 2 years and never changed the oil! I got my next car and sold it to a friend for $200 when it hit 200k miles. he changed/put oil in when he bought it and drove it for 3 more years never changing the oil then sold it for $500 whith almost 250k on it! Gas was less than $1 a gallon and the thing got about 30mpg. that was good times!
Yeah its nice getting good mileage! I have a hybrid now, always said I'd never get one but 44mpg is pretty nice. I can take the STI swapped impreazs out for a spin if I want some speed.20140924_180743.jpg