Open Show n' Tell 2016

Pigs hanging in the greenhouse during the day, gonna start movin them in and out during the day, getting the grass all eaten, and the ground all turned up nice. Was going to wait till greenhouse was 100% done, but time is moving and moving, so gotta get the ground started working.

Those look like some Old Spots, an old breed foraging pig a couple permies around here raise. Kick ass meat pigs if so.
Those look like some Old Spots, an old breed foraging pig a couple permies around here raise. Kick ass meat pigs if so.

These guys are both kune Kune boars. Born mid October. They are a heritage meat pig, smaller then commerival breeds. The guy we bought em from harvested the older brothers at 8 months old 120 pounds of meat back from the butcher. I can't recall hanging wiegh
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im reaching out to you all but apparently ya aint listening i understand we ll got the life problems but i just need some help this shit aint working
Ugh I need to find a way to get something going this summer whether it be inside or out! I have seeds to sew! LOL
I am still hoping I find a spot for my big outdoor this year. I have a guy on the fence on it but would like somewhere not so ify. Only little plants in with the garden at the house here.
you know you gonna grow Angry...get popping ;)
I would really like to but being in the new neighborhood I don't have a spot that's not in view. Indoor there is no space for the tents and I lost a ton of garage space so that's out as well.

I am still hoping I find a spot for my big outdoor this year. I have a guy on the fence on it but would like somewhere not so ify. Only little plants in with the garden at the house here.

Good luck man. It's tough to see good growers unable to get out there and enjoy themselves.
I would really like to but being in the new neighborhood I don't have a spot that's not in view. Indoor there is no space for the tents and I lost a ton of garage space so that's out as well.

Good luck man. It's tough to see good growers unable to get out there and enjoy themselves.

What about the possibty of a storage shed or barn?

i picked one up from oldhickorysheds, 300 a month for 36 months for a 12x24 lofted barn with 8' ceilings. Smaller sizes obviously are cheaper
It's in a residential area and my backyard is the front yard of my neighbors and the other side of the yard is on the street. Not something that I will be able to get around.
Wish I had an outdoor spot here in colorado to use for a grow. I have no yard :( stuck with the 4 x 8 grow tent for now.