Had one too many for the tent, didn't want to just rip it out so as a sort of an experiment, we put her outside on February 6th. You could say we got a really really early start to our outdoor this... summer.
It's been a mild winter, so far she's still alive and looks pretty good, actually. She's hanging out under some cover (kind of an open covered deck), so she stays pretty dry, and since I live in a micro-climate with "wind events" I have a cover for her (pictured below) for when the wind starts climbing over 20mph. If we get a late season hard freeze, I can put her in the laundry room for a night or two.
She came out of an 80º 18/6 veg situation and went outside into mostly 45-60º days and 40-50º nights (like I said, its been a mild winter). She seems healthy, but she's not doing much, I assume the low light and cool temps have slowed down her metabolism. I thought she might try to stretch and flower because of the light reduction, but not so much. I'm hoping she just coasts until April and then I can put her in the ground. It might end out being a flower / return to veg / flower again thing, we'll see. I think she's got strong genetics, its a Sour Diesel.
Other than that, I can't wait to do another real summer grow, it will be the second at this property and I learned a lot about the local terrain last year. We took down a tree over the winter, that really opened up the yard and we'll have way more afternoon light this coming fall to pull us through harvest.