Open Show n' Tell 2016


Well-Known Member
i would of course call you a racist to your face, since you are.

the fact that you would get all mad and physical about it would only make it funnier. that would make you an angry racist.
I don't give a Fuck what u call me and neither does anyone else. NOW GO AWAY.


Well-Known Member
This guy is some kinda weirdo who's following me. I apologize to everybody for having to read this shit.


Well-Known Member
Its kinda sad to see somebody act so strangely, even on a growforum lol
making fun of racists is not strange. it is normal.

bragging about your aryan style children, however, is kinda fucked.

Ignorant I s the last thing I am. As far as my children go, they are both strong, healthy blond haired, blue eyed children who wear the hat of white privilege like their father and mother.