Leave them alone and they'll usually move on within 24 hours. I had a swarm park in my yard once. There was a glob of them hanging on a branch the size of a basketball, had to be just as many in the air. What's in a swarm? A million? It sure looked like it. We called animal control and they said after 24 hours call back and they'll send a bee keeper but they were gone.Anyone have tips for dealing with a bee swarm? Lots and lots of them. Possibly african killer bees? Had a huge swarm fly over head this morning. And now I found a few hundred in a scouting party (I think) in one of my garages. I'm thinking I got a battle coming tomorrow.
I hope your right! I'm not sure where the swarm landed though, but there were 10s of thousands. Enough to slightly darken the sky. I found a couple hundred in the garage hours later but were gone by dark. Fingers crossed they stay gone. If not hope you don't see me on the headline news. LolLeave them alone and they'll usually move on within 24 hours. I had a swarm park in my yard once. There was a glob of them hanging on a branch the size of a basketball, had to be just as many in the air. What's in a swarm? A million? It sure looked like it. We called animal control and they said after 24 hours call back and they'll send a bee keeper but they were gone.
Anyone have tips for dealing with a bee swarm? Lots and lots of them. Possibly african killer bees? Had a huge swarm fly over head this morning. And now I found a few hundred in a scouting party (I think) in one of my garages. I'm thinking I got a battle coming tomorrow.
They'll form a bibwack call a bee keeper they'll come suck them up and take them home. I had to have it done about 15 years back.Anyone have tips for dealing with a bee swarm? Lots and lots of them. Possibly african killer bees? Had a huge swarm fly over head this morning. And now I found a few hundred in a scouting party (I think) in one of my garages. I'm thinking I got a battle coming tomorrow.
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Please record your fight with them. Should make a good You Tube videoThey seemed to have found a spot on a steep hillside in some boulders. Got to about within 30 feet and one stung me above the eyebrow. I'll be back at sun down for these fuckers. I'm pretty sure their Africanized. I have had two other honey bee nest on the property since I've been here and never a problem. These fuckers are aggressive.
I will. But you'll have to see it off my phone cause I don't post videos(mostly for lack of know how). Waiting for the bee suit from amazon. Thanks for your interest.Please record your fight with them. Should make a good You Tube video
I will. But you'll have to see it off my phone cause I don't post videos(mostly for lack of know how). Waiting for the bee suit from amazon. Thanks for your interest.
I'm going with full on bee suit. And double fisting the 2 cans of spray with a 22 foot stream. Once in close I got some foam shit to hit them with. If the bee suit does its job I should be good. If not I got a serious hillside to book it up! Lols. But either way it goes down at dusk on sat. It's within 600 feet of a neighbors house so I have to remove it by law. I'd rather take care of it before the county shows up. They got little ones too, so got to be done.Teach me how to fight bees! haha
I have to get rid of wasps many times throught the year, i usually do it in the mornings when the temp is low, right before the sun is coming up , theyre so sound asleep they never know what hit them. Ive tried at dusk as well but some usually are still active. Good luck on the fight!I'm going with full on bee suit. And double fisting the 2 cans of spray with a 22 foot stream. Once in close I got some foam shit to hit them with. If the bee suit does its job I should be good. If not I got a serious hillside to book it up! Lols. But either way it goes down at dusk on sat. It's within 600 feet of a neighbors house so I have to remove it by law. I'd rather take care of it before the county shows up. They got little ones too, so got to be done.