Open Show n' Tell 2016

Apply those rules to the Sugar Industry the Country would be better off.
Think of the kids!

WTF this isn't a politic thread, shit there goes my good attitude.:)
I was once talking about Big Sugar and damage to the Everglades, and the two guys at the table with me ducked. That is the kind of power the cane producers have in Florida. But it's mostly corn sweetener getting all the government help today. That comes from you know who being the first in the nation during Presidential Primary season.
Not surprising . The feds are the ones that rounded them up and put them on the reservations .
Why should they be aloud and not common folk ?
Because they are their own fucking nation thats why.....fuck whatever bullshit "organization" is saying.
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God save me from 18 year olds. I have had a kid sitting in my office talking Star Wars, God and Trump. I need to slip off to the tool room for a quick smoke, or my truth telling shields might slip. My customers today are half ass kin of mine, so I can't just tell the kid to get the fuck out. Hell, he was even calling me Cousin, and neither of us knew the other existed half an hour ago.
God save me from 18 year olds. I have had a kid sitting in my office talking Star Wars, God and Trump. I need to slip off to the tool room for a quick smoke, or my truth telling shields might slip. My customers today are half ass kin of mine, so I can't just tell the kid to get the fuck out. Hell, he was even calling me Cousin, and neither of us knew the other existed half an hour ago.
You southerners........:roll:.
I would have told him to get the fuck out talking that shit. Cousin or no
He was not really kin to me. Back in the 70's his grandmother was married to one of my cousins for a few years. No kids came from that union, so no blood kinship. But because I have the same last name as his grandmother, there was no amount of explaining that would convince him otherwise.

And he was worried about my soul. Bless his heart.