Open Show n' Tell 2016

Use a single solvent method, blast butane straight into a measuring cup and de-wax on top of a dry ice block in an ice chest for 24 hours. Put a lid on your measuring cup and cover with a towel to insulate before closing the ice chest lid. Let sit 24 hours and pour through a coffee filter. Don't use acetone or any double solvent method and you'll have terps for days and consistent results.
I use a deep freeze at -18 for my bho runs and i dewax at that temp as well some strains are worse than others though the dry ice idea is genius.
View attachment 3791868 View attachment 3791847 View attachment 3791868 Good morning. Got some night pics for you...
@Grandpapy GG4, Sunset Sherbet

@FLkeys1 Slymer

Well crap...I messed up my post lol...
1st and 3rd pics are Slymer, 2nd is GG4 and thumbnail is SS
Do you know were i can get gg4 seeds from.
Ive seen big budda have crossed her with cheese dont fancy that.
and i cant find any seedbanks that stock it.!!whose the best to get it iff...please help im in u.k so might not be able to get em.
Look up captain butane if hes still on the web shows you how to make a cylinder for putting butane through and making honey oil.for about £8
Ive done it for 20 years now with my left over trim its awesome bright yellow/brown unlike the black morrocan 1 that does nothing this way it blows your brain out......
Cant find info on "Captain Butane"
Its called "the red eye express" old skool mag. They go smoking all over in afganistan,pakistan morrocco plus others it a hash smokers dream,teaches you loads these 15 magz.are worth gold.
i had ten that walked.
theres exerts on
they went to gambia so did i and i followed the traul and got some if the rarest hash on the planet in 2004...
Fill the tube with good trim,put a filter on the bottom screw cap(the one wit lots of holes in).
Screw on top the one with 1 hole,get a pyrex dish and put 3-4 tins of butane through it.
should ban marie exess butane off.
your left with honey oil.bho.
Its so easy peeps20160928_181503.jpg 20160928_181548.jpg 20160928_181538.jpg
The plastic has mis shsped over the years.but no taste diff to the glass 1.
man ive only just seen the glass 1s brand new
mines old skool shit,no one round my way knows what it is.. ,only when i telk em
Its only become popular again last year,ive never stopped making it.
never had any bother blowing myself up yet....touch wood.
I have re moved the rubber rings from inside the tube they do perish under cold conditions,got told that the only thing to worry about:peace::peace:
The plastic has mis shsped over the years.but no taste diff to the glass 1.
man ive only just seen the glass 1s brand new
mines old skool shit,no one round my way knows what it is.. ,only when i telk em
Its only become popular again last year,ive never stopped making it.
never had any bother blowing myself up yet....touch wood.
What method do you boil off butane?

I have never done this and am accident prone :roll:
I jus ban marie in a bigger dish of kettle water,wish i could make the shatter that vac. On for
12 hours wouldnt be good were i live,i know what u mean it purifies it more but this is simple and a good way of gettin rid of yr trim.u could always vac. Any time after making the bho.i leave it in a warm place for 2 wk before smoking it.turns solid like hash.
What method do you boil off butane?

I have never done this and am accident prone :roll:
I jus ban marie in a bigger dish of kettle water,wish i could make the shatter that vac. On for
12 hours wouldnt be good were i live,i know what u mean it purifies it more but this is simple and a good way of gettin rid of yr trim.u could always vac. Any time after making the bho.i leave it in a warm place for 2 wk before smoking it.turns solid like hash.
I have a pound of crappy outdoor buds from last yr that was bug ridden, and wonder if this is a waste of time or just trash it.
Bad taste...
I wont smoke and cant give it away lol but maybe as BHO someone would want it lol.