Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013


Well-Known Member
Hey Jozi...just came across this article in Organic Gardening magazine:

I rarely see anyone note that ants farm aphids, holding them over for the winter. If you don't control the ants, your aphid population won't decrease. A recipe my gram used called for 2 cups cider vinegar, 2 cups sugar, and 2 cups water in a gallon just with a lid. I drill 3 small holes in the lid, large enough for ants and aphids, but too small for even little bees, and then place the traps in areas where I have trouble. The jugs are loaded with teh ants and aphids, but no bees or ladybugs

It may help with your problem hun :)

Hey guys, I need some advice. I have an aphid infestation of apocalyptic proportion on my Agent Orange, and they are starting to move to my Afghan Special's. It seems cropping the Agent Orange early for hash seems almost inevitable at this point, but I'd like to save my 4 Afghan Special's.

What is a super killer awesome aphid killer that I can spray on plants that are within 3 weeks of harvest.

I've been spraying every 2-3 days with Captain Jack's Dead Bug (Spinosad) and Thuricide (Bacillus Thuringiensis [BT]). Neem is out of the question this late in the game. But I need something with some serious knock down power and won't leave a nasty smell/taste after harvest.

Thanks e'rbody!


Well-Known Member
I've had issues with ants farming some bugs in plants. Happened under my nose.
Twas a disaster and had to pull the plug on that one.
I wish I knew about that ant tip bongsmilie


Active Member
Not to focus on the negative but I have a tweaker/ripper story I'd like to share. Out of w*ll*ts, CA.

Was farm boss for a friend who had all the necessities except the know how, so that's where I came in helping build out and set up the feed schedule, harvest crew, etc.

2 weeks before harvest we were "professionally ripped" by a father/son/uncle tweaker team who used night vision goggles, and came in with ar15's and left with 19 of our 25 plants. We ended up harvesting the rest asap and came away with over 16lbs off 6 plants, and those were the LITTLE ONES!

My boy grew up in the area so he put the word out and we figured out who done it within 48hrs, but these were not just tweakers but a family of "cooks" as well. So we left with our tail between our legs, grateful they left us enough to start over next year. Apparently someone was not so content with walking away...

Long story short the SON of the ripper team got SHOT in the FACE 2 wks later, dead on site, head blown off.

Fuck rippers and fuck tweakers! Anyone fucks with our families or livelihoods deserves what they fucking get.

Even if it is to have their brains splattered.

This is the real story behind the risk we as growers take on, and the extent others will go to, in order to take from us what is rightfully ours!

Stay safe stay strapped!

yeah i fucking said it!
Well written story garlictrain. It is a scary to think of some a-holes prowling around in the middle of the night in the back yard, out to take the harvest after a long summer of hard work raising them. Amazing that you were able to get over two pounds per plant from what was left! Stay safe this year, folks!


Well-Known Member
A few years ago, another RIU member (Hodgegrown) was robbed right after harvest, by 4-5 fake police officers. They called his house & said they were there to serve a warrant & demanded that he come open the locked gate, or they would be forced to shoot his dogs. When they showed up at the gate, they flashed a badge and once inside the home they pulled guns & tied everyone up. They took everything they wanted and one car.............true story, I read the article in the Sacramento news paper before I found out it was Hodge!.....:(


Well-Known Member
As I gaze at the pics everyone's posted, I become even more baffled at why something so beautiful can be consider criminal.


Well-Known Member
Man that is a fucking nighmare! If I ever get that call I'm calling 911 first make sure it is popo. Good to share this info so we r prepared. Thanks djj n send best wishes to hodgegrown

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
I had my bug zapper going a few years back. It seemed to lure more moths to my area than I had before the light.... It was very satisfying to hear them snap crackle pop tho :)
I have mine in the front yard to hopefully lure them away from my plants, and hopefully cut down the population in general.


Active Member
A few years ago, another RIU member (Hodgegrown) was robbed right after harvest, by 4-5 fake police officers. They called his house & said they were there to serve a warrant & demanded that he come open the locked gate, or they would be forced to shoot his dogs. When they showed up at the gate, they flashed a badge and once inside the home they pulled guns & tied everyone up. They took everything they wanted and one car.............true story, I read the article in the Sacramento news paper before I found out it was Hodge!.....:(
A year or two ago, nearby where I live, a woman called the county sheriff to report that her plants and/or large quantity of marijuana had been stolen. Apparently, some guys came to her house to buy some and ended up stealing everything she had. I think they caught the thieves but I believe she was also arrested as it had to do with a vary large quantity.


Well-Known Member
anyone that comes to my house to do any kind of anything if i dont know where your mama sleeps, then i got someone on the couch with base ball gloves and a AK47. i like the "if you rob me its going to be a shoot out" approach seems to work well


Well-Known Member
anyone that comes to my house to do any kind of anything if i dont know where your mama sleeps, then i got someone on the couch with base ball gloves and a AK47. i like the "if you rob me its going to be a shoot out" approach seems to work well
The guy's that robbed Hodge, had also robbed several other growers in the general area. One of them had a badge & a "POILCE" vest. By the time they realized they weren't real police they had guns in their faces!........