Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all of your replies, I'm a happy medium guy for now. I still have a ton learning to do so I'm willing to except some minor flaws in my end result.
I've heard that it takes a bit for the thc to become psychoactive and that the curing process in some way increases not only taste but potency is this true or am I delusional?
Quick story here. I grew out an NL cross 15+ years ago with a buddy that we harvested in early October. It was a small plant and we wound up with a couple zips each for our trouble. As soon as it was dry enough to smoke, I went on a smoking fiesta and burned up my half pretty quickly. It got you decently high, but the taste was disappointing. Fast forward a couple months or so to New Years Eve and a party at my grow buddy's house. He fired up some of the dankest shit I had ever smoked up to that point. It tasted so sweet and smelled so good and mind-fucked me so bad I asked where he got it. I remember him laughing while he related it was our bud harvested nearly 3 months earlier and he decided to stuff a couple of baby food jars full and break them out for NYE.

Yes, I say true to the nth degree.

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
How do you gauge a good harvest?

Is it the yield or potency or is it taste and smell?

Would you be just as happy with a large yield but less potent, less aromatic bud as you would with a smaller more potent sweet smelling crop.

Does it even matter to you, meaning, you're happy just getting to harvest a crop let alone worrying about the other stuff.

The reason I'm asking is that there are some of us here that are growing on a completely separate level/scale, one I can only imagine in my wildest dreams of having. I'm happy in the fact that I'm going to have something, anything to smoke at the end of this season but I sit here and I wonder how you guys actually gauge yours...
First priority for me is of course having a successful harvest of something "smokable". By smokable I mean that it has a good enough taste and high that people will want to smoke it and enjoy it.

I have a patient friend who said to me recently "I got some stuff from another guy I know, but it was gross and gave me a headache, your stuff last year was always good. Is it ready soon?" That's the kind of thing I like to hear.

It's like when I cook some food for people. I just want them to like it.

Then of course I want as much yield as I can manage, but if the quality (look, density, smell, taste, and high) isn't there it doesn't matter how much I have. People won't want to smoke it. I won't want to smoke it. I'm not shooting for some sort of cannabis cup level of quality. Just a "hey, that's good".

So I guess it's quality first, and yield second. Yield can sure help to pay the bills though.

Last year I found that each plant will have different levels of quality on it. The top colas usually look the best and have the density. Then I had a bunch of middle sized "pretty good" stuff sort of halfway down the plant, and a bunch of less dense small stuff near the bottom that usually ends up getting made into hash, butter, cooking oil, etc.

The curing jar is and amazing thing that I think many growers rush or overlook. I was shocked last year at how just a week or two in a jar made my stuff go from "hmm not bad" to "oh wow that smells good".


Well-Known Member
I did ! thank you so much for typing all that ! I'm on it ! You could put it up here if you like . Thank you again.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Quick story here. I grew out an NL cross 15+ years ago with a buddy that we harvested in early October. It was a small plant and we wound up with a couple zips each for our trouble. As soon as it was dry enough to smoke, I went on a smoking fiesta and burned up my half pretty quickly. It got you decently high, but the taste was disappointing. Fast forward a couple months or so to New Years Eve and a party at my grow buddy's house. He fired up some of the dankest shit I had ever smoked up to that point. It tasted so sweet and smelled so good and mind-fucked me so bad I asked where he got it. I remember him laughing while he related it was our bud harvested nearly 3 months earlier and he decided to stuff a couple of baby food jars full and break them out for NYE.

Yes, I say true to the nth degree.
I bought a couple ounces from my cousin's grow in Sept.....he came over for Christmas so I rolled one up....he asked "where did you get this pot?" I said from you...he said 'what the F did you do to my pot"

He stopped at the store that day and bought some mason jars......I may be new at growing but I've been storing in jars for over a decade.


Well-Known Member
I bought a couple ounces from my cousin's grow in Sept.....he came over for Christmas so I rolled one up....he asked "where did you get this pot?" I said from you...he said 'what the F did you do to my pot"

He stopped at the store that day and bought some mason jars......I may be new at growing but I've been storing in jars for over a decade.
Yea definently got to treat your bud right ha I got enough jars for 2 to 3 ps I might need to get some more
people are always like wtf when there all empty, there like damn this kids got a lot of jars for ....something? Hahahaha


Active Member
whats a good way to cure that will give you good results and is easy, without using hydrometers or whatever there called


Well-Known Member
I was pleased to find Ball canning jars in 2 quart sizes, b/c I only have 3 of those hygrometers to measure RH. Last pics of the season, b/c as you can see they are no longer in the ground.

I made it, such a great feeling to have gotten away with using state property and abandoned industrial land!. Hell, our tax dollars support state and federal land it actually belongs to us. The photo looking up at the hanging buds is the first thing I see upon awakening from bed, now lemme get my ass moving...wish I had a machine for this. House smells sooo awesome!.

Have a great day!


Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I'm not getting allot of sunshine, so not much growth but fattening up a bit....i'm seeing some red hairs but most are still white, with mostly clear trichromes.

I'm guessing 3 to 4 weeks, as the direct sunshine is limited to about 2 hours, so it will be slow going

Has anyone ever finished up an outdoor grow with HPS?.....some say the sudden change in light source can stress it enough to become hermie....opinions?