Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013


Well-Known Member
Thanks doublejj, those buds are nice and solid too, it pays off to listen to the advice given here because it definitely help me


Well-Known Member
In all honesty you would have to be pretty thick in the head not to see all that this site has to offer. In the 2 short years I've been here, I've gained so much experience it's hard for me to put it into words, the friends I've made and the people I chat with all played a part in my harvest and I will not forget that, with the intent to pay it forward to next one who finds themselves in similar shoes.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
In all honesty you would have to be pretty thick in the head not to see all that this site has to offer. In the 2 short years I've been here, I've gained so much experience it's hard for me to put it into words, the friends I've made and the people I chat with all played a part in my harvest and I will not forget that, with the intent to pay it forward to next one who finds themselves in similar shoes.
I was playing with ya... easy fella ;)


Well-Known Member
i normally love trimming.

but i keep trimming and trimming, and when i go back out for more branches, it doesn't look like i've made a dent at all.

feels futile, like the cannabis is not only winning, but mocking me.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
i've been trimming for only 2 hours and already want to kill myself.

200+ hours to go.

Muahahahah UGH....I know what that feels like!!! LOL. Interesting how every spring one is chomping at the bit to get mid summer one is feeling a little tired.....Right around this time your counting down the days....and in a week or two, it's like HOLY CRAP....I'M NEVER GOING TO FINISH. :-) Every year after all the trimming, hanging, drying, curing and storing, I year I'm gonna take a break! By March I have forgot that this was the year I was going to take a break...LMAO.

200 more hrs to go = A GREAT SEASON!!! Cheers!!


Bear Country

Well-Known Member
That's what happened to me last year..........................................this year......

Fuck yes...Now thats what I'm talking about!!! What that thing cost? Is there a web link ? I need to upgrade....hand trimming is brutal. I'm already getting stomach cramps from just thinking of whats right around the corner.
100_4425.jpg Well, here's pretty much what I had the last few sunny days before the rain set in. That's Sour Kush on the right front (lots of damage from a previous rain storm there), White Rhino on the left front. There's some Royal Cheese behind the Rhino, some Kerala Krush hidden in the far left background and the tall stuff is Blue Dream.


Well-Known Member
Fuck yes...Now thats what I'm talking about!!! What that thing cost? Is there a web link ? I need to upgrade....hand trimming is brutal. I'm already getting stomach cramps from just thinking of whats right around the corner.
Less than $500.........I haven't used it yet.........

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
View attachment 2833685 Well, here's pretty much what I had the last few sunny days before the rain set in. That's Sour Kush on the right front (lots of damage from a previous rain storm there), White Rhino on the left front. There's some Royal Cheese behind the Rhino, some Kerala Krush hidden in the far left background and the tall stuff is Blue Dream.
Well done brody....looks nice!! We got slammed with hail early in the took the girls weeks to recover from that mess and now as of late we have been pounded with rain....what a shit fest. I woke up this morning with some of my girls split in pieces from all the extra weight from the water on the buds and it still happened even after I had tied them up!!! Not all of them but some took a beating last night....thank goodness they were about a week out...I can live with that but it sure did hurt to see them in that condition....I should have taken photos to show what can happen to heavy dense cola branches that get rained on....I was just so disturbed that I didnt even think about that. I just went into surgery and splint mode sucked...I was out there for hours today....lets see how those hold up.
100_4442.jpg100_4443.jpg So here's what we've got so far. Yes, that's my library/work room/woman cave/drying room. We've taken some more off since this pic because of rain. There's been sun the last two afternoons and more sun forecast so we're taking some risks to let a few buds mature further. The Kush and Kerala, in particular, are behind the other strains. We knew Kerala would be a problem but this is the first time I've ever had problems with any Kush strain. The Royal Cheese and White Rhino are also a little slow (although Cheese has had some selective branches taken, now) but standing tall in the wet. To paraphrase a movie line: "Cover? We don't need no stinkin' cover!" They're sagging a tad but are shedding the moisture right off. Everyone else has had some minor problems. I'm glad we took the heavy stuff off!! I want to see if we can actually leave some out there long enough for some of the trichomes to turn amber :-P Short growing season here..........................................We'll probably go ahead and take everything down if the rain moves back in again. More pics later :-D Happy Harvest to all!!!