Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

with flash
without flash

others without flash

i think the flash makes the white hairs stand out more, im like a week or two behind everyone else

must be cause ive already got a harvest off these june 13
I think if somebody is paranoid about growing 99 plants, they need to google earth trinity pines! hahahahahahaha! I don't think growers dread a large harvest so much as sometimes underestimate it - and consequently see quality suffer as a result because they can't manage to take care of it when it all needs to come down in one big storm etc. I've seen people let 4-5 lb plants rot from top to bottom because they couldn't keep after what they had started. You won't catch indoor growers doing this!
+Rep that shit... Serious. My girl wasted 10+ pounds last year due to over abundance. I was unfortunately being "corrected" by the state at the time LOL
Yea trying to get just like 4 or 5 lbs down last season with 2 friends took a week and I was soo over it after that didn't want to trim another branch

And thennnnnn this fucking time of year, and I can't keep my hands away from the scissors and I'm dreaming of harvest day haha.

But yea definently 50+ or like that dude doing 99 getting probley like 200+Lbs, I could definently see it becoming a hectic mess if you don't prepare.
+Rep that shit... Serious. My girl wasted 10+ pounds last year due to over abundance. I was unfortunately being "corrected" by the state at the time LOL
Was it bud rot? That shit can be a real bitch if your not spraying and if you can't pull em down quick enough at the end of the season when we sometimes get rain then it's still hot. Shit spreads soooooo quick.
i knew somebody who did 300 but the only thing was just like you said they couldn't keep up and i believe ran out of nutes all in the process so in the end they harvested basically a q/p per plant whats the point? if u cant afford it then why do so many? idk people think doing a shitload is the way to go, well if u got the money go for it, but for me ill stick with how many i can afford and even at times it hard to keep up, do what you can do people, i could grow 99 but in the end yield the same i would if i just stuck with 40 monsters.....just my thought
i knew somebody who did 300 but the only thing was just like you said they couldn't keep up and i believe ran out of nutes all in the process so in the end they harvested basically a q/p per plant whats the point? if u cant afford it then why do so many? idk people think doing a shitload is the way to go, well if u got the money go for it, but for me ill stick with how many i can afford and even at times it hard to keep up, do what you can do people, i could grow 99 but in the end yield the same i would if i just stuck with 40 monsters.....just my thought
every year my smart homies give more love to fewer plants ie. my clearlake homie went from 77 to 36 and is expected to double yield... HELL YEAH
^^^ exactlyyyyyy :clap::joint:

...and work your way up 5 then 20 then 40 or whatever
you really don't realize all the work that goes in till you like fuck i got to do this
this this this and this haha.
shit i thought yes! ive did it, spaced enough where nothing would be touching and get the full sun all around, WRONG, u never everrrrrrrrr know what a plants gonna do when it flowers, it could be some runt in veg and ur like that plant aint gonna do nothing, it goes into flowering and turns into a GIANT i go out there and just look at some of them like u aint gonna stop are you? lol im not complainin but when they go into flowering all hell breaks loose
but in othernews, i watered tonight checked out one of the blueberrys, its fan leaves are all starting to turn purple, the flowers has hues of dark purple mixed with white pistils, n heres the kicker, she smells like blueberrys out the oven.....yesssssssssssssss SCORE
Haa hell yeah they explode like all August into sept

Have you ever noticed the runts come out bigger kinda like pups?haha had this happen on my northern lights autos it was tiny one out of a 20 pack, then ended up being 4 feet, one of the biggest out of them all.

And I also think with one out of my 4 xxx o.g clones was a runty clone I took didn't do to well then once it hit the 15 gallon grow bag
it took off better then all the others.
How many harvest do most of ya'll get by year?
I thought that living in the tropical place that I live in, it be easy to grow and harvest pretty much all year round. Then I found out life ain't that easy :eyesmoke:
To the heavy you sometimes dread harvest time?

Looking at some of these grows it makes me wonder, the time and care it takes to ensure such a "garden" is trimmed, dried and cured properly might give one nightmares. I only say this because there are some here who are growing on a scale I've only dreamt of lol.

lol fuck harvest what about daily maintence. i only have a small outdoor grow and put about 10-15 hrs labor a week into it total.
thats not including harvest. but the rest watering/feeding. trimming /checking for bugs and shit mann part time jobb.

aint nothing in this world for me. we paying in sweat, tears and time and mother nature rewards us with sweet sweet ganj.
Fair deal i think lol
also checked out trinity pines (camp and conference) in google earth and didnt see shit.
prolly looking @ wrong thing lol but i wanna see some sick 100 plots of ladies
Ambed just look for clearings out in the woods you can find em ha
or look for a house way the fuck out there after looking at like 5 you usually will find one haha.
^^i was bored looking the other day and was able to count like 15 rows of 20 plants on this down slope like down a dirt road a ways behind this house then like four more greenhouses on the same land

The rows had to be some big motherfuckers too cause its kinda hard to see on the google earth.