Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

Im just pulling off all the fan leaves and keeping all sugar leaves on her. Once she is dried, its getting ran. No curing or anything like that. Anyone know any serious deals on Power 5x? I found 96 cans for $155 but its also another $50 for shipping. Ebay has 96 cans for $225 with free shipping. I already hit up all the local smoke shops and they are way too expensive.


Nice. Sounds easier than trimming that's for sure.
Hey FMily can u post a Utube video of u makeing BHO? from the point of using Dried or frozen or whatever type of shake
and go through the process because i love the color you yield when u do it and really wanna run my own
Im just pulling off all the fan leaves and keeping all sugar leaves on her. Once she is dried, its getting ran. No curing or anything like that. Anyone know any serious deals on Power 5x? I found 96 cans for $155 but its also another $50 for shipping. Ebay has 96 cans for $225 with free shipping. I already hit up all the local smoke shops and they are way too expensive.


I checked Amazon, you can get 96 cans for $205 shipped through a few different vendors. Here's a link

Can't wait to see this, it's gonna be an epic batch for sure.
Still another 3ish maybe 4 weeks for these, mon have 2 sour d and 4 blue dreams...sour d is starting to get yellow fan leaves and losing alot of leaves but mon gonna let em ride, blue dream is too but not as fast. Will try to get some more pictures as plants come down, greenhouse has been too crowded and you cant really see anything with everything all over everything.....remind mon next year, less plants and more room!!!!

sour d whoooohooo.jpgsour d
bluedream.jpgblue dream
DAMN.. got drunk went back to the poker room and lost 1800 in 10 mins on black jack.
Fucking A'!! I've never not won at Black Jack. My buddy Matt is a master card counter. He's gayer than AIDS, but he is the single best gambling buddy I've ever had, he turns 40 bucks into 500 in about 1 hour or less. Next time you go to Vegas, bring me and him, you'll make a ridiculous amount of money. My best advice is never hit a table without 2 days of research. It's a lot less research than growing pot takes, not to mention it makes money faster!
First lil bit of weather here in So Cal . Santa's Anna's last night and this weekend. It's was ripping, Gust to 80 sustained 40 -50 . Now the bad thing about SA's here is it can get really dusty in which it did but nothing like the sand storms that can happen to where you can't see shit outside and just red dust clouds. Everything on the side yard was the most unprotected. I was worried about my Tranquil ( stacked real heavy ) getting blown over after watching her whip from side to side last night. She's fine and the cheese Burger is stacked and was just a little out of place but good. The dust pelting doesn't look to be bad but I have a medible hang over and can't focus yet. Rain coming Wed- Thurs highs in the 60*s. Typical So Cal Fall weather pattern. Santa anna's then rain. Hope anyone else down here who got the wind is ok.
I had my first taste of pot when I was in Junior High School back in 1967. As everyone here probably remembers, or knows about, back in those days you bought a joint for a quarter and a "lid" for ten bucks. If you were lucky it would be mostly leaf with only a small amount of seeds and stems LOL. Well, over the years I've gone on long dry spells, where I didn't smoke for years at a time. As I got older, the feeling I got from smoking dope changed and it was no longer as much fun. Kind of made me feel anxious and paranoid. Hard to explain. I completely quit smoking for over 15 years. Well, a couple years ago, I had this problem with insomnia and a friend of mine told me to take a few hits of some killer weed he had. I did it, and lo and behold, it put me into a deep uninterrupted sleep and I felt like a million bucks when I woke the next morning. Since then I've been using it to help me when I get insomnia and it does the trick. Anyway, to make a long story short...I got a doctors recommendation (legal in CA) and decided to do a grow this year. During the last few weeks my plants were badly battered by the rain storms that blew through here and I was forced to take in some of the bud on the broken branches. Yesterday afternoon, I decided to taste some of it.....It basically put me on the couch for the rest of the day. I'm not sure if this is unusual, but I'd say I've got a pretty good crop here. Just hope one of the strains yet to harvest isn't quite so debilitating. I couldn't even take care of my normal chores yesterday. The shit layed me out like a sleepy dog.

Sorry for the long story. Just a little background from a "newbie" grower. Next year is going to be a whole new adventure thanks to many of your posts and advice. I'm looking forward to it!
Awesome ! you grew some kind smoke and the story is cool. Those were some long times without weed, Way to go from being a casual smoker to planting a crop. Your an old Mother fucker too . LOL :-P Shit ! 1967 is a good year, I was in JR high 13 years after that. lol Weed was 20.00 an eight for mids and 60.00 for good ole Humboldt. Thanks for the Story sir. :peace:
Awesome ! you grew some kind smoke and the story is cool. Those were some long times without weed, Way to go from being a casual smoker to planting a crop. Your an old Mother fucker too . LOL :-P Shit ! 1967 is a good year, I was in JR high 13 years after that. lol Weed was 20.00 an eight for mids and 60.00 for good ole Humboldt. Thanks for the Story sir. :peace:

I remember sometime way back in the day, some friends of mine took some of the seed from our "lid." we bought and planted them in one of the rural areas around So. Cal where I lived. The plants made it to about 1 foot tall. We chopped it, dried it and smoked it all before it even got bud on it. I guess you could call it a stone age guerrilla grow. We didn't know anything about sinsemillia or whether they were male or female. We just chopped and smoked the leaf when there was enough to make a few joints.
I think I started smoking in 6th grade, My buddies parents smoked so we would pinch there stuff or the roach jar. Funny thing is and we didn't know any better but his parents always had a gallon ziplock of leaf. There was this abandon house we use to smoke at on the way to school. It took a few times, Half a dozen or so before I really ever felt anything. The morning it hit me on the way to school I had to lay down in someone's front grass . LOl got all dizzy with hot sweats . lol After that some of the most magical times besides Christmas as a kid were to come.
lol thats funny TWS my story is real similar. started smoking in like 5th-6th grade and it took like 6x
for me to actually get stoned. i actually think i was hitting it wrong or something but one day we made
this like 4 person bong. and we were hitting it with my ollder brother and his friends so they knew what they
were doing and when we hit it and they were hitting also we got their hit u know so i got fuucking retardly stoned.
like geeeking laughing to the point of peeing my pants, and just high as a a mother fucker lol thats when me and Mj met lol

took me a yr from that first time to really start burning like every day but im only 22 so no cool "weed was this price " stories lol
when i started burning 8ths were $50 and it was usually tight indoor nugs lol
I remember in high school (early 90's) there were two kinds of weed. Brown (we called it mexican) and green (we called it ganja) Green stuff cost $10-$20 more but it was worth it. We didn't know what a strain even was let alone indica vs sativa. I used to wake and bake before school, show up around 3rd period, and bail out to get high again at lunch. Good times.

I remember in jr high I tried to smoke a bag of leaf on my birthday. Worst headache of my life. I missed my own birthday party.
in high school sometimes we used to see this awesome looking and smelling weed that was mediocre smoke at best. we called it pretendica
Hey FMily can u post a Utube video of u makeing BHO? from the point of using Dried or frozen or whatever type of shake
and go through the process because i love the color you yield when u do it and really wanna run my own
Unfortunately I dont have a video camera. If I can find one I will do it. I am running some BHO on Monday, strain Cheese. Shit smells like sharp cheese doodles.
I checked Amazon, you can get 96 cans for $205 shipped through a few different vendors. Here's a link

Can't wait to see this, it's gonna be an epic batch for sure.
Good looking out Socal, it will be epic but also a real pain in the ass. Hopefully she yields good. Never grew the strain so its a first for me.
DAMN.. got drunk went back to the poker room and lost 1800 in 10 mins on black jack.
Next time you get drunk, go to Ebay and buy me a pallet of butane, its much cheaper than 1800. lol
First lil bit of weather here in So Cal . Santa's Anna's last night and this weekend. It's was ripping, Gust to 80 sustained 40 -50 . Now the bad thing about SA's here is it can get really dusty in which it did but nothing like the sand storms that can happen to where you can't see shit outside and just red dust clouds. Everything on the side yard was the most unprotected. I was worried about my Tranquil ( stacked real heavy ) getting blown over after watching her whip from side to side last night. She's fine and the cheese Burger is stacked and was just a little out of place but good. The dust pelting doesn't look to be bad but I have a medible hang over and can't focus yet. Rain coming Wed- Thurs highs in the 60*s. Typical So Cal Fall weather pattern. Santa anna's then rain. Hope anyone else down here who got the wind is ok.
Bro, I was on Stetson yesterday and there was a fucking mini tornado of dust in the field. I couldnt believe it, the winds are driving me nuts cause my motion sensors are going off like crazy. LOL Has any of your stuff started to turn purple yet or it hasnt been that cold yet? I have 2 plants that got bashed by the winds, I will post a pic for ya. Hope all is well homey!
