Lemon king
Well-Known Member
Snow is coming on Wednesday, everything should be down by then, about 4 days sooner than I had expected, but at the same time, I wasn't really relying on them being out there past Oct 1, which is often enough when our first frost hits.
In other news, I found a nearly full pack of Marlboro Reds this morning next to my ashtray in my front yard. Nobody here has bought a pack of Reds in over 6 years, and we've had no guests. Someone that knew about/suspected my grow was getting real comfortable scoping my place out last night, casually smoking as they checked things out. I suspect my sister's friends, she keeps fucking bringing people over when I'm cropping, and the more I freak out, the more she gets rebellious and doesn't care. If she wasn't my sister I would have already slapped her for this kind of shit, putting all of us at risk of being murdered for pot.
Needless to say, I'm about to start my 2nd patrol with the Mossberg right now, 3 1/2" sprays. I'm pretty sure I know who my potential ripper is, and no matter if it's his frail ass or his friends, I'll have them on their hands and knees sobbing like a shaken infant.
You know who it is?? Invite him round. Nail his pack of cigs to a post, use mossy to.blow them to bits look him square in the guy and just say "remember it aint buckshot mate" and walk off quietly talking to yaself........
He will cry inside.....and if it aint him word will get round your a gun toating nutter, who will shoot to protect his babies....if i was a ripper i think the ragging nutta who talks to himself carrying a gun around shooting fag packs would be the last home id visit....