Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

I've never heard of that. Be careful, and research first :)
no I'm just going to leave it alone..I shouldn't mess with things. Tomorrow I'm going to spread some branches apart and tie them down....I can't wait for this to finish I only got an eight of bud and about a quarter of keef left from last year!!
That is a good method also. I think night would be okay... I'm not a scientist tho :sad:

Pinching doesn't seem to be good enough, or maybe I really don't know what I am doing. If I were to start topping these uppers, how far down would you go?

“Every kid starts out as a natural-born scientist, and then we beat it out of them. A few trickle through the system with their wonder and enthusiasm for science intact.”

Carl Sagan
10-6....the hours my semi-local hydro store opens. I am not a patient waiter. This means my transplants won't happen til tomorrow morning cause Sammy doesn't do heavy lifting in the heat. 9 bags of FF and 1 45 gal pot. By the time 10am rolls around I'll have talked myself into 15 bags of dirt and 2 45 gal pots....and a 30 gal pot, too. :-)
If I had met you guys sooner I could be coasting into fall instead of working like a field hand. ;-)
Pre flowers lol no I don't on phone so can't zoom in maybe I missed but what's the strain

I'm the champ. everyone else is below me jk lol
its 818 headband the leaf has some kind of black on it but to me it dose not look like mold ore anything at least i dont think lol
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Yes (IMO).. I would top anything that sticks up awkwardly. I like a uniform bush. I continue topping until early August.

I had a good morning in the garden getting these car ports up. I'm "talking to the Hawk" after my lunch right now trying to figure a thing or two out.
Hey, any thoughts on how to slide a 150 gallon smart pot over about 2-3 feet? The "Marion Berry" was put in a bad spot, if I could slide her over 2-3 feet it would make that next car port line up better, and my life easier.
I have a plastic 55 gallon barrel, if I cut the top and bottom off, then cut it in half so I have 2-two foot tall circles. Then rip those up and down so they make 2-2' wide x 8' long pieces. Then wrap those on the back side of the pot 270 degrees, then wrap rope around the whole pot over and over. I have a 200', 1 inch dia bull rope from the tree days, let me do some math.
4' dia pot x 3.14=12.42', I'll make it easy,12.5 feet for the rope to go around the pot 1 time. 200' divided by 12.5' = 16. That means I can coil that 1inch, 200' rope around that pot 16 times, okay 15 times ( I need room for knots and stuff) I think that should be plenty of support to keep that pot in tact while using a "come-a-long" to crank her over that 2'-3'.
Now is that to risky to try and move the pot, or just leave it be and put up the next car port "cock-eyed"? I know if that car port goes up "cock-eyed" it's going to get under my skin for the next 3 months.
Any ideas, thoughts?
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