Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

This sunrise picture reminded me of this song....8-)

That's my view feeding my horse. I've named it, Nipple Hill. It is my favorite time of day. :-)
I think we have a great climate for growing, hot summer days with cool nights and the smog acts as a natural shade cloth by blocking some of the sun LOL
I moved here in 1986 and the smog has gotten much better.. It is sept. 1 and I can see the mountains, years ago we never saw them all summer long..
So what are you growing, if you don't mind me asking??
I grew up in the L.A. area, next to City of Industry in the San Gabriel valley, (I'm 50 now) and when I was a kid during the summers we would walk to the high school swimming pool. Pay a quarter to swim for 2 hours. We'd walk home from the pool, half mile, and by the time we got home our lungs would be so polluted by the smog in the air that it hurt to breath. My mom and dad had a window A/C in their room, she'd put us in the room to try and detox our lungs. Hell we'd just play outside for awhile and get the same lung hurting effect. We never seen the San Gabriel mountains during the summer, always obscured by the smog. A storm would roll through, clear the air, and it would be surprising to see how close the mountains were. That was 40+ years ago, the air quality standards have greatly improved since then. Hell I remember having "smog alerts" back then.
Breath clean,

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I grew up in the L.A. area, San Gabriel valley, (I'm 50 now) and when I was a kid during the summers we would walk to the high school swimming pool. Pay a quarter to swim for 2 hours. We'd walk home from the pool, half mile, and by the time we got home our lungs would be so polluted by the smog in the air that it hurt to breath. My mom and dad had a window A/C in their room, she'd put us in the room to try and detox our lungs. Hell we'd just play outside for awhile and get the same lung hurting effect. We never seen the San Gabriel mountains during the summer, always obscured by the smog. A storm would roll through, clear the air, and it would be surprising to see how close the mountains were. That was 40+ years ago, the air quality standards have greatly improved since then. Hell I remember having "smog alerts" back then.
Breath clean,

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Yep, when I first moved here I worked outside and half way into the day it hurt to take a deep breath.. Thank god I was born and grew up in Portland Oregon, so in my younger days I was not exposed to smog ;-)
Yep, when I first moved here I worked outside and half way into the day it hurt to take a deep breath.. Thank god I was born and grew up in Portland Oregon, so in my younger days I was not exposed to smog ;-)
I'm sure I'll die from lung related issues, or some kind of cancer. I've been in the Sierra Nevada's and their foothills since 1987 (oops Santa Cruz for 6 years too), I'm hoping that will extend my life a bit!
The buds will be ok and still swell. You might try spraying some spinosad or BT to help and check them every day now. Shoulda been spraying all ready but just keep an eye out and you should be ok.

Ok, is it safe to spray in flowering? My buds are already pretty big and I would hate to make myself sick with insecticides lol.... BTW thanks for the help you guys
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You're the only Vietnam vet I know. :-)
come to the BBQ....there should be several......but anyway Titty Mtn was a well know navigational landmark you could see from almost everwhere in south Vietnam...if you do a search you'll see several pictures and read several refrences to it in Vietnam war stories...but I digress..
Nuggs Update-
Talked to Nuggs just a bit ago to see if he still needs me to come up to help him out on his greenhouse film. He told me no, that he was still fighting his Thrips issues, but now he thinks it's either broad mites or Russett mites (not sure if that's the correct name)? He wants to thank TWS for pointing him in that direction. He said TWS went from farmer to Master gardener in his eyes. Lets hope he can win this battle.
Ok, is it safe to spray in flowering? My buds are already pretty big and I would hate to make myself sick with insecticides lol.... BTW thanks for the help you guys

Yes up to the day but I don't advise that. It is an organic bacteria and the sun will degrade so spraying once a week keeps up. Spinosad is another same type of worm and pest organic pesticide .
come to the BBQ....there should be several......but anyway Titty Mtn was a well know navigational landmark you could see from almost everwhere in south Vietnam...if you do a search you'll see several pictures and read several refrences to it in Vietnam war stories...but I digress..

I'm not on the 'definitely' attending list?