Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

Ewww! Old people!! Lol jk.

I'll vouch for you @S'Manta . You offered me free poop. +1 for Sam. I might be needing to pick up some of that poop soon for my winter compost pile.

What poop do you use?? I use the North American brown bat poop I get from my barn loft. They have been there ever since I was born and use it for the bacteria it grows. Great stuff! I just wish I had the high tech equipment to do all the testing and experimenting I want
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I use whatevger poop I can get. Horse, chicken,, cat lol jk. I usually just throw a bunch of horse and chicken crap in the pile. I also add a bunch of blood meal and alfalfa pellets to the compost heap to really get things cookin :fire:. Guanos are good. I use them in my teas. When I have leftover at the end of the season I dump it into the compost too.
What about you?o_O :P

Only person I have met from RIU is @Mohican he must have trusted me enough to have me meet him at his home and give me some seeds.. All I can say is I am old school, was taught do on to others as you want done to you. It would kill me to come home or wake up and find my little garden of plants gone so i would never do it to another person.
Plus I don't expect you to just trust me, that is something that is earned.. Ramble Ramble, sorry. :oops:
Only person I have met from RIU is @Mohican he must have trusted me enough to have me meet him at his home and give me some seeds.. All I can say is I am old school, was taught do on to others as you want done to you. It would kill me to come home or wake up and find my little garden of plants gone so i would never do it to another person.
Plus I don't expect you to just trust me, that is something that is earned.. Ramble Ramble, sorry. :oops:

You met Mohican? Very cool.
Is he really old and frail?? jk.... :-)

You ever start your carport gh project? I am gonna buy a carport this winter probably. These little 10x10's aint cutting it. My big ass can barely fit in my patio gh. Jst imagine when the buds are swelling
After thinking about my carport, it would seriously hamper my going away because the kid that feeds my horse when I'm gone is getting older and maybe wiser and he would wonder why I've blocked his path from the hay barn to my horse. So, I'm going to do just 4 good sized plants in my dog area. Its a big enclosed area off my bedroom. All day sun and the only way in is through the house. In big fabric pots my medium size dog won't hurt them.