Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

Oh they can see it and so could everybody else.
Other neighbors have a 15k fence for good reason. I put a that cheap fence up too. ($100 used :score:) It was open completely.. The highway could see it if you looked so i threw fence up for some reason, (trying to minimize raid % while im here even though it would be nothn) and im kind of in a "tangle" with other grower and trying to use this spot for my outdoor next yr.

Someone down the street (1 of many) has 6- 8fter's with no fence on the backyard. Very shotty fence on side Its open to everyone to see. Its pretty funny. Guess the cops arent looking for that.

Could not Imagine growing with out a fence.. Best advice I have ever heard is don't tell anyone you grow.. Fewer people the better..
it's that time of year all. someone got my homeboys a mile from me last night. lights out hammer back!

Wonder if I could rent a couple of geese till plants are done??

They will make noise anytime someone comes on the property they will also charge and bite!!
Hard Freeze coming in for us tomorrow night.

I still have some strapping to get on the greenhouse but the pt 2 x 4 rafters 4 ft on center don't like my weight on them.
So here's my check list.
More strapping ( going to get some now )
Tow behind man lift. ( lined up for tomorrow morning )
Trailer furnace with pedestal base, all set up for plug and play. ( going to get now )
Enough friends to help get the plastic on without it taking me for a ride. ( PRICELESS...)

Hope everyone is ready for this cold snap...!!