Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

Nope. He was just a hardworking kid that loved to have fun.
The police shot him because" he appear to be reaching for a firearm when they approached him."

Bullshit. They were searching for 2 suspects with warrants and decided to kill my homeboy instead. He was celebrating his cousin b-day. They killed him right in the front lawn.
Sorry for your loss Fresno.
All it takes is a fool with a badge and a bad day. It's all over the news almost every night shit like this happening. Some "po-po" are there for the right reasons, don't want to provoke no bullshit, just doing their job. But others put that badge on and they're fucking superman (in their heads). I had MANY run ins w/the police in East L.A. as a youth........glad I got through okay.....well relativity speaking.;)
Nope. He was just a hardworking kid that loved to have fun.
The police shot him because" he appear to be reaching for a firearm when they approached him."

Bullshit. They were searching for 2 suspects with warrants and decided to kill my homeboy instead. He was celebrating his cousin b-day. They killed him right in the front lawn.
Wats worse than a car accident my best mate died in is getting shot and it could have been avoided :( .... I feel for you bro
Update: reminder - I'm a noob to marijuana and growing. Have a green thumb so not too surprised my bag seed took off. You good people have advised still not ready (so thanks bc I would have already chopped her down already). She's sure putting off a lot of skunk....smells so damn good!
Going to be a little sad when chop chop time comes.....we've bonded. Btw...I may have just smoked a bowl. :p

Fresno...very sorry to hear about your bud. Makes my heart sad....
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I just got a new camera. The last one was a Nikon Cool Shot and the new one is a Sony Cybershot. It has 20.1 mega pixels and 35 x zoom. The last one had 16 pixels I think? The only way I could get them off the camera onto the computer was with the Nikon program. So maybe that is why they wont upload?

What is photo bucket? How safe is it? How do you use it? Sorry for all the Qs
Thanks everybody. I have known him since we were kids. I hope that cop gets put on trial.
that's janky!I heard about that. plus they tased the dude because he was screaming/crying that was faulty bro.
Yeah. They tased his cousin (birthday boy) when he ran out and found his cousin(my homeboy dead in the front yard. The gunned him down because he had a phone in his hand. Just minutes before the shooting he was posting from that same phone on facebook. They just couldnt wait to kill someone. If cops cant distigush a handgun from a cell phone they need to hang it up, ya feel me?