Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
Sorry bud, only hours later to, does anyone know you and your account close by? Sounds like they knew about it, from what it seems they ripped and ran to their vehicle. Someones house stinks go get find em. Fucking hate thieves!!!
I took a walk around... They came from the back and jumped a neighbors fence and went through his yard.

I doubt it was him because they left a bunch of leaves and trellis on his property, and I hope he isn't stupid enough to steal from me and then leave a path to his property.

It may have been some young kids down the street. I'll wait a week or two for them to dry it then head down there and act all stupid and see if they have my weed for sale.

No one in my immediate vicinity has GG4, and it has a distinct smell to it. We'll see what happens...

Its all good, I'm growing indoors from now on.

If I find who did this to me I will bring the pain, or at least do damage to property equal to damage done to me. If not then oh well, I shoulda pulled them this morning when I was fawning over them and taking pics...

The worst part is just feeling violated and no longer safe in my own home.

I don't want to start a war in my neighborhood over a few plants, but if it was those kids then they can expect silent retribution.

I'm moving inside and increasing security, lesson learned.

I'm still fucking livid though.

I got an hour of sleep last night, worked 16hrs today, and came home to this shit... I'm not gonna be able sleep tonight because I'm all worked up and I've gotta work another 12 tomorrow.... FML


Well-Known Member
Woke up my first day home from the hospital to a sheriff walking through my back yard just a few feet from the greenhouse. By the time i made it outback he was already gone. Never said a word to us, didn't knock on the door or anything. Saw them around the next hour or so prowling the neighborhood. I think they were looking for someone but who cares i chopped what was ready just in case. Each of the long totes are 2'. Ill post more pics in a couple days. @fumble I haven't forgotten about you i would still like help, just need another day. If you have time tomorrow afternoon or anytime Sunday let me know, :)
Tomorrow afternoon would be good...gonna be in the kitchen all day solid on Sunday :)

nice haul there ;)


Well-Known Member
I got ripped tonight.
That's terrible man.. fuckin theifs.. I feel for your loss man.. 90% chance it's someone you know an have showed before. Try an make a list of ppl u showed an go do some random visits.. but I was always tought not to sweat the small stuff, an to live to grow another day.. an for the rest us with girls still sitting waiting for us to trim. My prayers go out that they stay safe from them theifs!


Well-Known Member
So jealous!

Here is what I am harvesting this year:

Jealous of all your seeds! I painted a few pistils on two different plant varieties with pollen from a pre-98 OG Bubba-leaning Caramel Candy Kush and only got 20 or so seeds from each cross, but I'm excited as can be on the Jackberry F4 X CCK cross I made. The other is CCK X CCK. I used bread ties twisted on the branches I "painted" and it was a pretty cool moment when I broke up the buds in question and the seeds dropped to the table!


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