Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

45s on the far left everything else is in 25s
Thanks! Its been posted here and there. ;) haven't been keeping the whole think documented, but here's the journal post with some of it. Mostly pics not many words. The one front right i think it N deficient, but i'm afraid to give her more! don't want to risk burn. i already loaded her up with almost 2x what the others are getting. but she doesn't seem to care....
I wish I could have pot & pine trees ! just pot & manzinta here !
Haha hey hey nothing wrong with manzanita my buddy's got a forest under some great camo hah!

It's like 12 foot manzanitas then 8 foot weed plants scattered throughout I'm guessing they will be about the same size at the end haha. Buds poking out here and there through the canopy.