Operation: Chronic Momma [1st grow]


Well-Known Member
Just giver her some time man.
I wouldnt freak out, i mean its a weed, they can go thru some crazy shit and still make it.
She just a lil stressed is all.
See how she looks by sunday or something, then decide if you want to get another one.

Were all the clones like that?
They didnt have any one that were a lil more developed?


Well-Known Member
yeah.. for sure. things will turn out good eventually. i was just really sad lol

and they did actually.. while I was in line I saw some pretty big ones.. not sure what strain.
im thinking of going back and getting one of those instead.. i might not have time this weekend or tomorrow..
might just go back today.. but then that would mean i would have to kill this baby.. as hard as it is.. i dunno if i should.. but i mean its weak and that slight chance that it might not recover.. kinda worries me i dunno maybe im just being too paranoid


Well-Known Member
Yeah just take a deep breath lol.
Might as well see what she does, no need to get rid of her.


Well-Known Member
i got a better idea, take a deep breath of some dank =DD
hahah yea im gonna wait and see. youre right.
thanks man

oh yea and im gonna mix in 1/4 str of fox farm nutes with my gallon water and adjust the ph
ill start feeding her that tomorrow

little update, i added a picture. i made a little support wire for her.. helps her stand up
and the airstone is being a pain in the ass.. gonna have to get a different design one soon
roots have actually grown a little bigger! i lifted it up and looked under.. its only been a few hours but its already grown.. really cool



Active Member
Hey Blazed, what up?:-P

Sicc seems to know his stuff, if he says something then I'd bet on that being correct...

and I bet he's right when he says it will be OK with the clone..

The AG has been a gateway hydro set up more than a few..haha
looking forward to following along...:leaf::leaf:

Good luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
yea man sweet thanks for taggin along
ill be checkin out your thread too
and yea i trust what sicc says 100%

i was actually thinking of something.. the AG isnt really that different from a pot. i'm not using the internal pump and the hood can just be suspended from the ceiling.
couldnt i just get a 5 gallon pot and put the ag 3hole faceplate over it and a bigger airstone inside? i could grow really long healthy roots that arent tangled too right?
if i did that, would it mean i could grow a bigger plant yielding more buds? like whats the secret to making one big plant that can yield a lot of bud?
or do you just have to grow multiple plants to get a bigger outcome?

and a little update.. she seems to be able to stand up on her own.. i took that wire off and her stem is high, but the leaves are droopy and sad.. :(



Active Member
Hey Blazeddd

Im excited you got your clone and it fit, whew i was worried, did you have to cut any roots to get it to fit?
and wow yeah keep following Sicc's advise its better to follow one person than trying to aply a lot of others feed back and advise. Sounds like he knows his stuff.

and like he said i am no expert so if he dismissed my concerns then thats just one more thing i learned. I had a blast with my first hydro grow using the aero garden i allmost killed my plant so many times im surprised i got any smoke at all. And i still use it i just graduated to a home made hydro setup and use the aero for cloning.

Have fun and i'll keep watchin
ps. i have a lot of pics from that aerogarden grow i did but i dont want to plug them in your thread



Well-Known Member
She should perk back up, like is aid you gotta give it time, growing is just a big waiting game.
I think the 5 gallon would work, and you would have more room for the roots.


Well-Known Member
Hey Blazeddd

Im excited you got your clone and it fit, whew i was worried, did you have to cut any roots to get it to fit?
and wow yeah keep following Sicc's advise its better to follow one person than trying to aply a lot of others feed back and advise. Sounds like he knows his stuff.

and like he said i am no expert so if he dismissed my concerns then thats just one more thing i learned. I had a blast with my first hydro grow using the aero garden i allmost killed my plant so many times im surprised i got any smoke at all. And i still use it i just graduated to a home made hydro setup and use the aero for cloning.

Have fun and i'll keep watchin
ps. i have a lot of pics from that aerogarden grow i did but i dont want to plug them in your thread

yea i was worried too. i just tore off the rockwool once i got home. thats what the guy at the club said to do. i pushed in some extra pieces of torn off rockwool and pushed it in deep into the plastic pod. then i made the plant itself a little square and pushed it into the pod. i accidentally did pluck 1 root when tearing the rockwool off. theres actually a picture of it.. i think page 2.
i also fucked up the stem.. tried to straighten it, lightly pushed it, and i heard a very quiet snap.. it didnt snap off completely, maybe 1 side broke..
and you can post pics thats cool. what did your roots look like? thats what im mainly concerned about

[QUOTE="SICC";4131166]She should perk back up, like is aid you gotta give it time, growing is just a big waiting game.
I think the 5 gallon would work, and you would have more room for the roots.[/QUOTE]
okay good to know.. i added in 2 drops of farmfox to a gallon water and like 40 drops of ph down to get it to 5.7. replaced the water.. hopefully will boost it up a lil
and ill prob get that gallon sometime soon

whats the secret to making one big plant that can yield a lot of bud?
or do you just have to grow multiple plants to get a bigger outcome?

damn how would you get a grow like this going? probably gonna tackle something like that next grow.. looks dope


Well-Known Member
little update.. she doesn't look too good ..
looks a little worse actually.. leaves are kinda "curling" i dont know if thats whatd you would call it.. but it kinda looks like it.. take a look at the pic
i think im just gonna go to the club tomorrow and replace her if i dont see any improvement tomorrow morning.. she doesnt seem to be getting any better.
she actually looks a little more sad than yesterday.. breaks my heart to see her droopy like this too..



Well-Known Member
Yeah she's really droopy, i guess that steam snapping really got to her.
I would try and get one of the bigger and more developed clones.


Well-Known Member
Nice, BK is my all time fav strain :weed:
That clone looks good, same with the transplant, she looks happy in her new home :D


Well-Known Member
yeah man i love it too
i had it once from the club.. and it was the best mind fuck in the world
never got to try it again.. now i get to grow it!!!!!!!!!!! yayayayaya

i think theres something wrong... shes starting to go down too..
is it the water? light?

i flushed the water and put some new in.. checked/lowered ph and she *kinda* looks a little* better... but i saw a little bug on her.. i had my pest strip right above.. i dont know how it was on her leaf. i killed it instantly tho.. and it couldnt have been on for long. i finished my gallon so i made a new mixture and checked ph, then when i went back to check on her i saw the bug there.. on the leaf.. i unno what kind of bug it was tho i just instantly paniced and killed it.. damn dude.
i put the strip right beneath the ag and lights.. hopefully it will be better..



Well-Known Member
phew.. some great news.
i think it was the water.. will DEF check ph atleast 3 times a day. should i check more?
updated a picture..

actually just checked ph, some how it was at 7.. so how can it go from 5.7 to 7 just overnight? hmm.. weird man

also, i had a question about that left leaf.. she looks kinda like she wants more light.. do you think i should change my lighting fixtures? i found this book and this tutorial for making a light fixture.. uploaded a picture - should do that instead?



Well-Known Member
oh ok then. thanks

ive been having a problem with the ph.. ive been testing it all day long.. multiple times - its just not stabilzing. at first i thought it was the nutes.. so i switched to normal filtered water, that i adjusted to 5.7 while in the gallon. i poured it in, checked ph, it was a little high like 5.8 but i left it.. checked a couple hrs later and its 7. i flushed, replaced, flushed replaced.. etc but it just keeps getting higher. i left my meter in the water and just sat there and observed it.. it goes up .01 every couple of seconds.. its really weird. what could be the problem?


Well-Known Member
Well usually when you add nutes it should stabilize more, but as long as it dosnt get too high for too long it should be good.
So you don't have to constantly adjust it as long as you dont let it sit like hat for too long if that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4139935]Well usually when you add nutes it should stabilize more, but as long as it dosnt get too high for too long it should be good.
So you don't have to constantly adjust it as long as you dont let it sit like hat for too long if that makes sense.[/QUOTE]
hm not exactly sure what you mean. when i let it sit like what? like water being still? the airstone inside should be bubbling the water so its not just still water right?
and when i added the nutes it just made it increase ph faster.
too high for too long, well when i checked it around 6pm, it was around 5.55. then at 8, it was around 5.8. right now, at 9:15 its at 6.1
what could be the cause?


Well-Known Member
When i said let it sit i meant when you dont mess with it at all and let it "sit" there like it usually does haha.
Air stone on and all.
you keep the air stone on 24/7, sorry if i confused you lol.
That doesn't seem like a too drastic of a jump, 6.1 is not that far off from 5.8 where it should be around, even 5.9, 5.7-5.9.