Operation Finally Legalize It!

Hello! Let's get it done!
So I have finally gotten fed up with all of this nonsense about marijuana.
Governments hate it. Non-smokers fear it.
And stoners say it needs legalized, but do nothing to contribute.

We as a marijuana community need to change.
We need to finally stop being lazy asses and contribute.

So here it is;

Politicians will never support legalization because they know nothing about marijuana, other than their bad experiences of it.

However, stoners know that marijuana, with its ups and downs, is in essence good. But high people are not always smart. That is why pot is feared.
We as followers of marijuana, need to show the world why, how, when it can be legalized.
Part 1

OK this one is easy. It wont take much from the stoner community to get hemp legalized.
-Facts, figures, benefits, evils, etc.
-How it can be used and how it benefits society.
-How it isn't marijuana.

Part 2
We need to draft complete laws and regulations for marijuana, because, we are the closest people to marijuana's heart.

1. The removal of all synthetic chemicals.
2. Full lab testing.
3. Complete labeling of all ingredients, the strains of plants, the percentages of active compounds within the substance, materials used, recommended consumption rate and amount, etc.
4. Safe growing, processing, manufacturing, transportation, sale.
5. Creating new procedures, laws, policies, projects, to better keep altering substances from people under 18.
6. Proper punishment for people who sell to youth, businesses that break the law,etc
7. Addiction prevention and rehabilitation.
8. Proper and complete, facts, figures, effects, harms, medicinal possibilities, etc.
9. A proper tax structure.
10. Proper age structure for quantity and compound-percentage allowed to buy.
11. A barcode or RFID system that cannot be removed from the container, to help police track down criminals who sell to youth.
12. A national system that lists all sales in the nation for Police to use to track down criminals.
13. A licensing system, to educate before licensed use, and to keep people from buying too much [to prevent addiction], and to keep people who are not responsible enough from buying the substance.
14. Growing, transportation, selling ethics and requirements.
15. Growing requirements and limits, transportation requirements and limits, etc.
16. Use in society, outside, inside private businesses, in homes, around youth, around people who do not like it, etc.
17. Driving and machine laws.
18. How Police should deal with offenders of the law.
19. ETC

Let me make myself clear at this point. I know that legal marijuana laws are a gateway to laws leading to harder drugs.
This is because drug laws now are mostly black and white.
If a drug is illegal, there is no regulation over that drug's market and society. There is no way from keeping that drug from getting out of control.
However, legalizing a drug, and controlling its market and usage, prevent it from getting out of control.

Illegal drugs are like trying to catch bugs in the pitch black.

Legal drugs are like trying to catch fireflies in the dark.
While it is hard, and some fireflies wont light up, its better than the previous option.

However, under current drug laws, marijuana will never fully work in society,
that is why we also need to draft up new drug laws for all drugs and altering substances.

Part 3
Tobacco :joint:

The temperamental cousin of marijuana.
A evil on our society, that everyone but the nasty-asses that smoke her hate.

Currently, big-tobacco is the corporational ass of capitalism.

But blunts are awesome.
We need to fix tobacco to ensure great blunts for future stoner generations!

1. The removal of all synthetic chemicals.
2. Full lab testing.
3. Complete labeling of all ingredients, the strains of plants, the percentages of active compounds within the substance, materials used, recommended consumption rate and amount, etc.
4. Safe growing, processing, manufacturing, transportation, sale.
5. Creating new procedures, laws, policies, projects, to better keep altering substances from people under 18.
6. Proper punishment for people who sell to youth, businesses that break the law,etc
7. Addiction prevention and rehabilitation.
8. Proper and complete, facts, figures, effects, harms, medicinal possibilities, etc.
9. A proper tax structure.
10. Proper age structure for quantity and compound-percentage allowed to buy.
11. A barcode or RFID system that cannot be removed from the container, to help police track down criminals who sell to youth.
12. A national system that lists all sales in the nation for Police to use to track down criminals.
13. A licensing system, to educate before licensed use, and to keep people from buying too much [to prevent addiction], and to keep people who are not responsible enough from buying the substance.
14. Growing, transportation, selling ethics and requirements.
15. Growing requirements and limits, transportation requirements and limits, etc.
16. Use in society, outside, inside private businesses, in homes, around youth, around people who do not like it, etc.
17. Driving and machine laws.
18. How Police should deal with offenders of the law.
19. ETC

Part 4

The great happy liquid of evil. This one needs fixed a lot.

1. The removal of all synthetic chemicals.
2. Full lab testing.
3. Complete labeling of all ingredients, the strains of plants, the percentages of active compounds within the substance, materials used, recommended consumption rate and amount, etc.
4. Safe growing, processing, manufacturing, transportation, sale.
5. Creating new procedures, laws, policies, projects, to better keep altering substances from people under 18.
6. Proper punishment for people who sell to youth, businesses that break the law,etc
7. Addiction prevention and rehabilitation.
8. Proper and complete, facts, figures, effects, harms, medicinal possibilities, etc.
9. A proper tax structure.
10. Proper age structure for quantity and compound-percentage allowed to buy.
11. A barcode or RFID system that cannot be removed from the container, to help police track down criminals who sell to youth.
12. A national system that lists all sales in the nation for Police to use to track down criminals.
13. A licensing system, to educate before licensed use, and to keep people from buying too much [to prevent addiction], and to keep people who are not responsible enough from buying the substance.
14. Growing, transportation, selling ethics and requirements.
15. Growing requirements and limits, transportation requirements and limits, etc.
16. Use in society, outside, inside private businesses, in homes, around youth, around people who do not like it, etc.
17. Driving and machine laws.
18. How Police should deal with offenders of the law.
19. ETC

Part 5
Prescription medicines

I dont know much bout prescriptions except my magical green one.

The laws probably need to be similar to MATH [Marijuana, Alcohol, Tobacco, Hemp]
but much more strict.
The National database will have to be more secure.

Part 6
The other drugs and altering substances

These are going to have to go on a case by case basis.
None of these will get legalized until MATH can first get its laws right.

================================================== =
While yes, the structures of MATH are all exactly the same, and it is because I do hate repetitive typing, it also shows how similar all of these laws are going to be.

So if we create a general outline for a altering substance, all of the drugs should be able to fit into it, with some change from one to the next.

================================================== =
Now while this seems somewhat excessive, gigantic, terrifying, I know as a community we can get it done. Its our responsibility to society and the plant. To Bob Marley.

I will need tons of help orchestrating this. I have profiles on rollitup, themarijuanaforum, stopthedrugwar, grasscity, stonerforums, marijuana, cannabis, all of which I will be producing this thread.

My twitter is Senor Spence
I dont know how I am going to do this. But this is a start.

Any suggestions of how to set up a thread/map/miniforum in a manner that keeps this from getting to complex and irritating?

I want to have people submit their ideas on how the laws should work and have constructive conversations going. No negatrons and useless-commenteers.
I actually want to say that I am legally smoking marijuana one day, on a recreational basis (and medicinal-since all pot is medicine)

And have a happy 420 and great bowl too!
Last thing we need is heavy regulation of such a harmless substance. I'm for legalizing and taxation to some degree allowing the government to go much further would be a mistake
Last thing we need is heavy regulation of such a harmless substance. I'm for legalizing and taxation to some degree allowing the government to go much further would be a mistake

What do you think illegalization is? It is full antiregulation of marijuana.

And how do you think the gov will allow marijuana to get legalized? They will only start legalization if there are strict laws to begin with.
It is a class 1 drug.

But if legalization works, then the laws can get more and more relaxed, to reduce gov interference
What do you think illegalization is? It is full antiregulation of marijuana.

And how do you think the gov will allow marijuana to get legalized? They will only start legalization if there are strict laws to begin with.
It is a class 1 drug.

But if legalization works, then the laws can get more and more relaxed, to reduce gov interference
:lol::roll: sorry Bud our government does not work that way. When is the last time they de-regulated anything? I don't agree with incarcerating people, and I'm fine with a small tax on the final consumer, like liquor tax. Beyond that we should keep governments meddling fingers away from cannabis. Cannabis being a Class 1 substance would have to change if it were to be legalized.
The government will just follow the money and power. There's a good argument for money now, although those benefiting from it being illegal will oppose it. But also public opinion is still split, and while split it can't win votes, so garners less interest from politicians.
I used to be a staunch supporter of legalization now I only support it because it's wrong to incarcerate for something so harmless. I feel we should allow people to grow hemp/marijuana like any other plant, it only needs to be loosely regulated like tomatoes and basil. There is absolutely no logical reason to fear the Cannabis plant, poison ivy is more dangerous . . .
So before you jump on the bandwagon of "let's tax and REGULATE ra ra ra!" think about what the cannabis plant is. :peace:
The government will just follow the money and power. There's a good argument for money now, although those benefiting from it being illegal will oppose it. But also public opinion is still split, and while split it can't win votes, so garners less interest from politicians.

You want it legalized because you want to be able to find it every corner and legal (like all of us) The government do not want to legalize it because of money and power (like chickenleg said). what do you think, some cool guys grow weed under the basement and sell it all over the country? A big NO. Governments have organisators who provides seeds, the seed providers have organisators who have fields as big as a football stadiums, and they are where you have never been before (also restricted areas). After all weed grows, lets say 1000 kilos, 900 kilos are transported to the governments distributors. Rest, 100 kilos are busted by the police which gives stupid people the idea that the government fights well against drugs. Then the rest 900 kilos are divided into big bags like 100 kilos and to another big boss and divided again to another boss and divided and divided till to your local dealer around the corner. Police is still in corporation with the government and tracks the last gramm to the end user. Do you think that what you do is all secret? No!! Every bit of this shit is tracked and after police tracks the last bits of the shit, and the weed traffic grows(when you start to deal small (like buying another bag for your friend and steal 1-2 gramm from the bag)) and start to grow your own weed and sell, early or later you will be busted. The problem is that you want to add yourself to the chain(as a big or small ring). Why is weed legal in Netherlands? There must be a safe place to breed weed. New strains, new kinds, new tastes..Another interesting thing is that the Netherlands is nearly in the middle of all european countries. Why aren't there always customs control ?? Do you really think that legalization is a social problem? No it is only about money and power!

Sorry forgot to say the last sentence : No, it will never be legalized.
I agree that it shouldn't be over complicated. It's illegal so government can say look we're needed to protect you. I mean look at a lot of the proposals to tax it. That is completely ridiculous. Who in their right mind is going to pay a tax on top of the already high price? That's government always trying to tax, never wanting to cut or get smaller. Medical is one of the best paths but that is another area ripe for exploitation by the drug companies. It's a weed, an herb, etc...It grows anywhere, needs little care..It would be total bs to have it labelled like it was a box of cherrios. Once you start labeling you invite the FDA in and along with them some nasty sob conglomerates who will destroy all that is good about it. They already want to do that. Let them get involved and it will come in a bottle and taste like poison.
1. look up the U.N. laws on pot
2. look up laundering money (goverment gets there share it is taxed and them some)
3. look at the differences in exporting drugs to keeping it in contry (penilty wise i mean)
4. the 8 canabanoids found in pot all have patents on them for synthetic production and some of the reasons are really fucked up i.e fertilizer and bug repellent no joke
6. economics needs some eort of blackmarket to work (funneling money and other verious reasons)
7. look up the differences between legalization and decriminaliation
8 pls dont use amsterdam as an example it not legel there never has been its not even decriminalized i think (look up :All Drugs Have Been legal in Portugal Since 2001: Did Decriminalization Work?)
9. pls dont use the excuse its organic so fucking what so is anthrax organic does not mean safe just like sterile dosn't mean safe to eat
10. there are only 3 contries in the world where it is legal and there little hic countries with like 100 000 ppl in it and there even being pressered like hell by the U.N. (mostly the states)
11. there are other harmless drugs out there by TODAYS CURRENT STANDERDS (dmt is the only i can think of right now its in everything)
12. i can think of a shit load more reasons it WILL NEVER BE LEGAL but mabye one day decriminalized
13. ask for the right things and in the right order and mabye one day english is the language of law after all
14. i can keep going on and on buts its my turn to roll one so later folks

P.S. happy tokin
For the U.S. t's going to be regulated, of course. Look at Seattle, Washington. Rep Mary Lou Dickerson is introducing a bill to have Marijuana sold in liquor stores and to be regulated by the Liquor Control Board. Her argument? 1 MILLION a year in revenue for the state. Every other state in the U.S. has their eye on the money as well. With the tides turning right wing in the U.S., so does the power lean toward the states vs. federal. It's only a matter of who crosses the river first.....I believe 2012 will be the time that this issue is finally on ballots.

It's going to be regulated, its going to be taxed. No one gets a free lunch, sorry.
Mary Lou Dickerson's House Bill 1550 i have high hopes the minit it passes i'll love it the prices will drop and the quality could go up
canada is already ahead of the game at least in terms of turning a blind eye at least in ontario, british columbia are. alberta on the other hand i've had friends in jail over night for a joint not to sure about rest of provinces
and im just curious about this marc emery and tommy chong both canadians and activist and both put in american prisons
are there any americans in that boat as well? just a question nothing more then that
until the states does it first nobody else can

peace out