Operation Johnny Appleseed


Well-Known Member
I thought I would see if anyone would be interested in a nationwide, Go Green movement. The plan is for all smokers, growers and weed lovers to join together in spreading seeds over the beautiful landscape of the US. Take all the extra seeds you might have and on the first day of spring, I think it’s around March 20th spread them in every overgrown area you can find. If a 100 people here can get 10 of their friends to all through 20 seeds each thats 20,000. If only half of those seed sprout and grow we are still at 10,000. And if those plants all cross and produce seeds then next year….well you get the idea. In the long run, how can the government try to keep something illegal if it is growing everywhere? If every ditch, empty lot, public park had herb growing in it what could the government really do about it. So start saving seeds now and get ready. We could a set a day to do it and post how many each of us put out. Then follow up with them later on in summer and once more to see if any make it all the way. Anyone in?


Well-Known Member
It's called project overgrow. Or at least one version of your idea.

Stoners have been trying to collaborate just this idea since the 60's. So far it hasn't worked, know why? I'll give you a few pointers:

1. Stoners are lazy. You'll probably get 100 people to say they will do it, and 4 will actually do anything.

2. If you get 100 people to tell 20 of their friends to throw 20 seeds, that would make 40,000 seeds. If half of those sprouted that would make 20,000 plants. Animals love to eat the plants, so that would turn it into (at best guess) 5,000 plants. In all likelihood it would be less than that. But if you had 5,000 plants it would take them about 3 months to get to a big enough of a size and maturity to start flowering. By then the cops will find it, and with one quick chop the plant is gone. All your planning gone to waste.

3. How many people do you think you can get to join your movement? Now, how many plants do you think one LEO can chop in a day? Now, how many LEO individuals are in the nation? or the world? My guess, you can't stop LEO. They have you beat in numbers. And in time. Some departments have special task forces designed just to take down mj plants. That means 40 hrs a week looking for dope. How many people are dedicated to plant, and watch, and care for their mj plants for 40 hrs a week?

4. Stoners generally speaking are very greedy as well. If they tossed 20 seeds out, if 5 of them turned female, the desire and urge to go harvest that female plant, instead of letting it repopulate the earth, is stronger than to let it survive.

5. Larger groups for the past 50 years have tried to do this. They failed. What makes your plan so different from theirs? What makes you think you will succeed where they didn't?

I could keep going, but you get the point.

I'm not trying to be cynical or mean, just up front and honest.

I wish it was possible, but it just isn't logical. You have a much better chance of each person planting 20 seeds in their closet, making it so much harder for LEO to prosecute and bust personal growers. If you swamp the legal system you can get the laws changed, but that means that a lot of people will have to put their futures at stake first, which most are not willing to do.

Just a few thoughts.


Well-Known Member
,As long as Cannabis plants can produce bio-diesel and other very useful things that it can make, marijuana will be illegal. Its not about whats right and wrong it never was, its about money. Thats why farms in the US can not produce industrial hemp. Industrial hemp you cant get high off of so why is it so bad? Its bad because if we were allowed to produce marijuana/hemp we would not need them as much as they want us too, and they would lose an incredible amount of money, we dont want that to happen now do we? :fire: I'm down though, just buy a bag of commercial, they're usually riddled with seeds :weed:


Well-Known Member
wowww I love it. Canadians should get in on this too! shorter outdoor growing season but it's still very nice in most areas. Let's get North America green!!!


Well-Known Member
When I was 16 a man brought in a plant to the bar I worked at. It was 1.5feet tall that was growing in the flower bed infront of the police station. He thought it was funny when he should have just let it go. That gave me hope that it can grow anywhere. Trust me I know allot of people have thought of this. And yes in all we are lazy. That however does not mean that we shouldn't try anyways. If we wanted to do it right we should plan to grow seeds and harvest around Feb. From what I have read one plant can make 500seeds. Now take all those top quality seeds and spread them around. This could become the best smelling country in the world.


Well-Known Member
im down to do it. i already have a thread like this. look in my sig. cept i call it johnny weedseed. and yea there is a new one like this at least once a month. but you better believe im plantin some beauts.


Well-Known Member
no way am I gunna toss 20 seeds out into the woods. psh. Im all for "stickin it to the man." but a better way is to continue being an activist and to write your legislation and try to get people on your side. yea.... I know... *they dont listen*, but throwing 20 seeds outside isn't going to do anything more productive than writing the people who can change your states laws (and eventually the govermnment law). Honestly.... all its going to do is give some lucky person thats walking through the parking lot/woods/park/wherever FREE weed plants that I could have grown.


Active Member
I will start to make a collection of bagseed for this operation.
This is a great idea and hopefully will make my state even more green!


Well-Known Member
I know it would take a while and a lot of work... but i'm curious about how many 'infusions' it would take to increase the potency of the natural wild variants that occur accross the united states.

I also like the idea of having specific targets :D everyone toss those seeds in front of City Hall and the flower beds of your local Police Department !!

alas, i havn't any seeds to spare.

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
google maps is a great way to get to know your landscape around you i've bee scoping little plots of untended land around my city that i can walk to,,, to dig holes fill with soil and place clones in... in the spring... and never return only to observe from afar


Well-Known Member
Im going to start collecting seeds throughout the year and every spring go camping at the national park near me and spread some green love around and come back in the fall to check up.

I love this idea, I dont get alot of seeds in my pot, probably 5-10 a year but still better than nothing, but if lots of people do this it could get pretty crazy.


Well-Known Member
Well, in the way I see it they don't play fair so why should I. They do it for money and power and I do it just to be happy. I think I read some place that I have the right to the pursuit of happiness.
I understand what you are saying but I would like to stick it to the man. hehe...

no way am I gunna toss 20 seeds out into the woods. psh. Im all for "stickin it to the man." but a better way is to continue being an activist and to write your legislation and try to get people on your side. yea.... I know... *they dont listen*, but throwing 20 seeds outside isn't going to do anything more productive than writing the people who can change your states laws (and eventually the govermnment law). Honestly.... all its going to do is give some lucky person thats walking through the parking lot/woods/park/wherever FREE weed plants that I could have grown.


Well-Known Member
well, that's kind of the point...to use some extra seeds u dont really need and toss some around where you live or a nice wooded area. the points to get it growing wild more freely and easily and to spread some love around.