Operation Overgrow

Will you plant pot for 420?

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haha... best way i can think of spreadin seeds is plantin ur hermies outside.. if its a point to make why not.. they self pollinate..
why can't i figure out how to + rep dammit? i feel retarded. if someone can teach me i'll +rep them of course... and the dude who came up with this idea...
eh, wtf i dont get the whole rep thing, how to i give that shit, ... still a noob to this site, nd too lazy to figure it out
i cant wait until this starts happening i know it really will
when i reconsider this is a good idea. there was an intense drought in the midwest last summer, late summer to be more exact. if people grew more tree outside. i believe the country will be in the mood to recover and sit on the obama gravy train...
:fire:ha ha ha ha


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well nobody cares then, theres an outdoor 2009 thread for what you just said...this is a political matter, meaning your are growing for political reasons (i.e. change the law)...with YOU growing weed, there isnt going to be a change...now whats the problem with going to a few places you wont go to again for awhile and plant 10 seeds? maybe you could come back in 2 years and the field will be over taken
one person recycling isn't going to solve a thing. but if you have 4000 or so stoners plant 10 seed. that could make a point. grow plants until you can sex them then transplant... air full of pollen... not good.
High, my name is. I grow to get high. I get high to feel good. I am allowed to do this legally. If (while legally moving seeds from one legal place to another), I accidentally drop some of the said seeds it is not my fault if a my legal seeds grow up to be law breakers! I will encourage this. My name is Barrak Obama and I approve this message