Operation Overgrow

Will you plant pot for 420?

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I think with the whole Michael Phelps thing happening and the stupid deputy dowg that wants to bust him, when no-one else is pressing charges, we need to focus in SC, ie. Richland County. I just sent the sherif and e-mail saying we are overgrowing the government starting there. Every courthouse, state department. So gonna need some help SC.
Thanks to whoever +rep'd me. I used to live in SC so this is important to me, I say fuk-Richland County, overgrow the hell out of it!!!!!!Any help here SC?
I think with the whole Michael Phelps thing happening and the stupid deputy dowg that wants to bust him, when no-one else is pressing charges, we need to focus in SC, ie. Richland County. I just sent the sherif and e-mail saying we are overgrowing the government starting there. Every courthouse, state department. So gonna need some help SC.
That was ill-advised. Why not just do it and keep your mouth shut?

Now the coppers know to look out for it.

And coppers talk to each other; within the department, within the state, and within the brotherhood nationwide.

I would not be surprised if your email inspired an official police bulletin.
I never said when, where, who, told him to join Leap too, and leave Michael Phelps alone, since no one else is pressing the issue, so relax with the paranoia, dont you think "they" know what april 20th is? Still gonna do it with or without you. The concept of overgrowing the government has been around for decades now, I didnt spoil our plan- Chill.
I never said when, where, who, told him to join Leap too, and leave Michael Phelps alone, since no one else is pressing the issue, so relax with the paranoia, dont you think "they" know what april 20th is? Still gonna do it with or without you. The concept of overgrowing the government has been around for decades now, I didnt spoil our plan- Chill.
I'll tell you who will chill: Whoever is unlucky enough to be caught tossing seeds into the planter in front of the Sheriff's Office. They will chill in the interrogation room. They will chill behind bars.

You contradict yourself. Did you or did you not give advance notice? I quote, "I just sent the sherif and e-mail saying we are overgrowing the government starting there."

The Overgrow Movement has been around for decades. This much is true. But why antagonize the coppers? Your stupid stunt will most likely result in someone getting arrested.
I'll tell you who will chill: Whoever is unlucky enough to be caught tossing seeds into the planter in front of the Sheriff's Office. They will chill in the interrogation room. They will chill behind bars.
And that also includes ANY of us that are serious about this, in any town, at any courthouse, at ANY sherif's office, which I AM! If I get caught, it will be my fight for a good cause.
You contradict yourself. Did you or did you not give advance notice? I quote, "I just sent the sherif and e-mail saying we are overgrowing the government starting there."
Do you relize how many stoners have e-mailed this idiot for tring to get his 5 min. of fame, telling him were going to over grow them, I wish there were reports of how many hate e-mail's this ass is going to get, Oh by the way, I got the e-mail address off of a RIU thread. I felt it was well deserved! What are they going to do, search my irl, see that I am on a stoner forum? Come on, I am sure his e-mail is packed full of shit like I said. Michael phelps is OUR Rosa Parks if he wants. Somebody has to take a stand, and I'm tired of hiding that I smoke, grow, love weed. Even our Pres. smokes('d).
The Overgrow Movement has been around for decades. This much is true. But why antagonize the coppers? Your stupid stunt will most likely result in someone getting arrested.
Oh so I have a valid point to you here, so 1 hate mail amongst many, stating overgrow and your freaking the fuk out>?????????????Everyone involved in this takes a risk planting seeds, plants whatever. I am sorry you dont approve, but your not my fukin daddy either, if you were you'd be high fiveing me.
Hey guys activism is a part of it! I am not a full blown activist yet, but I respect those with the courage to participate. Some decide to stand up even at risk of being busted. While others will silently plant the seeds amongst our great nation along with other brothers and sisters. I hope to see it around the globe, The United States isn't the only country that has the stupid marijuana laws. It is sad to see that our country that was started by great men who enjoyed growing and smoking pot, is now being policed by the DEA. I say fuck it, Hail to you TechGrower and all you others who are planting this year. And those who dont... why are you here at RUI? Tell us please.
Oh so I have a valid point to you here, so 1 hate mail amongst many, stating overgrow and your freaking the fuk out>?????????????
I did not freak out, Junior. I simply said your communication with law enforcement was ill-advised.

Perhaps you should take your own advice and chill.
Everyone involved in this takes a risk planting seeds, plants whatever. I am sorry you dont approve, but your not my fukin daddy either, if you were you'd be high fiveing me.
Damn straight I'm not your Daddy!

Any child of mine would show more restraint. Any child of mine would know better than to blab to the coppers beforehand.

And let's be clear: I think this is a good idea.

My objection is with sending a fucking message to the police explaining what you intend to do. Sheesh!

Why not simply do it?
Outdoor growers will curse your name for even bringing it up... But, I'm with ya. I've got just under a pound of bagseeds ready to roll! I'd like to see them try and stamp out something that could be as numerous as crabgrass or pine trees.

With budgets being cut left and right due to the economy, now is the time to make a stand I think. We very well can make it a complete financial loss to go after pot.
I did not freak out, Junior. I simply said your communication with law enforcement was ill-advised.

Perhaps you should take your own advice and chill.

Damn straight I'm not your Daddy!

Any child of mine would show more restraint. Any child of mine would know better than to blab to the coppers beforehand.

And let's be clear: I think this is a good idea.

My objection is with sending a fucking message to the police explaining what you intend to do. Sheesh!

Why not simply do it?

If you tell someone of your future plans you give them the opportunity to influence those plans.

4/20 does sound cool... But, that would be future plans.... How about somewhere around 4/20? :)
im from europe we find mass amounts of seeds in the regs we get we have all been throwing our seeds in nature but they dont thrive and outgrow!! in order to outgrow a government you need to plant every day wherever you can!! most plants will die and will never make maturity and those that will, most will be eradicated and destroyed!! but if we all did it all over the world and didnt throw a seed in the garbage but kept them all and planted them silently everywhere for 3 years that after those 3 years we will start seeing results!! it goes beyond voting just do it!!! anytime you can whenever you can just pluck those seeds in the ground without being caught and do it again and again and again have everyone you know with these political ambitions help!! plant in public squares grass fields wherever there is soil and light just plant seeds!!! and even though im sick and tired of hiding who i am i wouldnt contact the police if the world depended on it!!! as johny says DONT TALK TO THE POLICE and i add EVER AND EVER AND EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not even to ask directions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i've been saving all the seeds out of the last QP i bought and have been planing on doing this for a while. i was gonna wait till it gets a little warmer though
someone should make a bunch of fake seed packs to replace the ones at Wal-Mart or something. Imagine someone planting a few Jalepeno seeds in their back yard, only to get 50 seeded plants! Or, do it to EVERY seed pack at EVERY Walmart, that would overgrow the shit outa this stupid country, using their own system.
i think they'd notice that every seed pack has been opened with tape on it. plant fem seeds. no air full of pollen! be curteous to people who might be growing near you.