Opininons on the newest TSA airport Security.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
your gay! if you like another MAN touching you and your family! all they have too do is wait in line and booom! hundreds dead in the airport BEFORE the security T.S.A transgender sucking assholes!!
I thought you had to be an adult to post or be a member here?

Take off the tin foil hat, no one is out to get you or to convert you to being gay. FFS man, Ive been searched going into fucking concerts and pro sport events.

If you dont wanna get searched there are 2 simple ways to avoid it:
1. Dont set of the metal detectors
2. Dont fly, its a "free market" like so many wail on so much about. Use your economic power and rent a damned car instead.


Well-Known Member
There are more deaths attributable to tripping and falling down stairs than death by terrorist. You people really need to think about making laws against stairs, you would actually save MORE people that way. You aren't getting any safer, the underwear bomber would still be able to get on the plane even with pat downs and porno scanners as he did not go through any kind of search, check or metal detection. He didn't even have any ID, a politician was able to get him on board. It was all planned so they could implement these controls upon us.

Personally I would feel much safer if everyone were allowed to carry a gun on board.

If someone came up to you on the street and reached down into your pants and grabbed your genitals, would you let them? Or would you call the Police and report a sexual assault/molestation? There is no difference between a federal agent grabbing your junk and a 50 year old convicted sexual deviant/rapist grabbing you.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
If someone came up to you on the street and reached down into your pants and grabbed your genitals, would you let them? Or would you call the Police and report a sexual assault/molestation? There is no difference between a federal agent grabbing your junk and a 50 year old convicted sexual deviant/rapist grabbing you.
Apples and oranges man.

When you fly you are paying for a service, if you dont like the terms of that service you dont have to use it. Isn't that what a "free market" is kind of about? Why not let the markets decide....if consumers are so against it, they wont fly. Period.

Funny, Im a former Patriots season ticket holder and have attended tons of games. I was patted down EVERY time I entered the stadium and have been patted down for EVERY one of the hundreds of concerts Ive attended.

I think it's funny how most people think and act. I can guarantee that if an aircraft was to go down to a terrorist 99% of the people that are so up in arms over the searches would really blow a gasket. You will all scream about how our Secret Muslim Socialist president failed to keep us all safe.



Well-Known Member
Funny, Im a former Patriots season ticket holder and have attended tons of games. I was patted down EVERY time I entered the stadium and have been patted down for EVERY one of the hundreds of concerts Ive attended.
You have had someone grab your genitals "Hundreds" of times? Because I don't know if you realize this or not, but the supposed TSA" Pat-Downs" aren't pat downs at all, they are custody searches where they actually have to lift your penis up and feel your scrotum to make sure you aren't a underwear bomber. And you say you have had this done to you hundreds of times? I'm gonna go ahead and call you a LIAR!! And if you aren't a Liar, but instead were not aware of how invasive these anti terrorist searches are, then you are IGNORANT.

I used to work as a Concert Security guard (Staff Pro) as a Moonlighting job when I was in the Marine Corps, I can tell you without any doubt that the searches we did were NOTHING like a TSA patdown. IF I had searched people the way TSA does I would have been prosecuted as a sexual deviant.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Ever seen that before? Know what the word Unalienable means? Look it up. You don't give up any rights when you buy a plane ticket, that is absurd.

And one more thing. If a terrorist tried to take over an airplane he would make it about 2 inches before all the passengers ripped him limb from limb. Do you really think people are going to let 911 happen all over again without a fight? Have you no faith in mankind?

ink the world

Well-Known Member
You have had someone grab your genitals "Hundreds" of times? Because I don't know if you realize this or not, but the supposed TSA" Pat-Downs" aren't pat downs at all, they are custody searches where they actually have to lift your penis up and feel your scrotum to make sure you aren't a underwear bomber. And you say you have had this done to you hundreds of times? I'm gonna go ahead and call you a LIAR!! And if you aren't a Liar, but instead were not aware of how invasive these anti terrorist searches are, then you are IGNORANT.

Thanks for calling me a liar and ignorant. So I'll ask you: If they are searching for underwear bombers how the fuck do you expect them to search? Lemme guess, we should just blindly "faith in mankind?"
If YOU CHOOSE to fly and set off the metal detector or REFUSE to go through the electronic body scan THEN you get searched. So AGAIN, in order for a search you must set off a detector or refuse to go through the detector.

Refusing to point THAT out or refusing to comprehend those 2 factors IS IGNORANT.
Maybe Im not up in arms because I UNDERSTAND the threat, or maybe Im just comfortable w/ the size of my penis and you arent :-P

I used to work as a Concert Security guard (Staff Pro) as a Moonlighting job when I was in the Marine Corps, I can tell you without any doubt that the searches we did were NOTHING like a TSA patdown. IF I had searched people the way TSA does I would have been prosecuted as a sexual deviant.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Ever seen that before? Know what the word Unalienable means? Look it up. You don't give up any rights when you buy a plane ticket, that is absurd.

You arent giving up ANY rights. You have NO RIGHT to purchase a ticket. It is a business, if YOU CHOOSE not to adhere to the regulations thats on you. When someone enters a correctional facility as an inmate they are searched, a much more invasive search "spread your cheeks"

This isnt done to embarrass or sexually grope, it is done to KEEP CONTRABAND OUT.

And one more thing. If a terrorist tried to take over an airplane he would make it about 2 inches before all the passengers ripped him limb from limb. Have you no faith in mankind?
No, I have no faith in mankind. Why should I? Lets see, 9/11, Richard Reid and the other underwear bomber, I should have faith in their basic human kindness?:dunce:

Are you implying we should just blindly trust all airline passengers based on their innate human kindness? LOL

Your theory on how a terrorists would be ripped limb from limb was disproved on 9/11, remember a few planes actually hit their targets? Where were all the brave passengers ripping apart the terrorists? 3 out of 4 got through on 9/11, so that theory is kaput.


Well-Known Member
I always thought I would start Moaning, and say things like " Oh God Yes, right there, touch me like that again!!". But something says i would punch the guy in the face.
No, moan and ask for a dinner date. They love it! :)


Well-Known Member
No, I have no faith in mankind. Why should I? Lets see, 9/11, Richard Reid and the other underwear bomber, I should have faith in their basic human kindness?:dunce:

Are you implying we should just blindly trust all airline passengers based on their human kindness? LOL

Your theory on how a terrorists would be ripped limb from limb was disproved on 9/11, remember a few planes actually hit their targets? Where were all the brave passengers ripping apart the terrorists? 3 out of 4 got through on 9/11, so that theory is kaput.
Up until that time how many terrorist takeovers where the terrorist was in charge of the planes flight ended in catastrophe? In almost all situations the plane landed safely in a different destination and everyone got off safely. Do you think everyone on those planes thought they were going to be flown into buildings seeing as it had never happened before? Ridiculous logic.

You can certainly be selected for a "TSA Pat Down" without ever having set off the detectors or refusing anything at all. They randomly select people for this, now who was the IGNORANT one? Don't believe me? Do some research you'll see plenty of evidence that supports my claim.

Oh and one more thing for those of you who have never seen this

“ The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ”

Show me the probable cause in the case of this little kid who gets stripped searched in front of everyone.


They have ZERO probable cause unless the act of getting on a plane is criminal to start with.


Well-Known Member
Here's the truth, LOL


and this



Well-Known Member
Thanks for calling me a liar and ignorant. So I'll ask you: If they are searching for underwear bombers how the fuck do you expect them to search? Lemme guess, we should just blindly "faith in mankind?"
If YOU CHOOSE to fly and set off the metal detector or REFUSE to go through the electronic body scan THEN you get searched. So AGAIN, in order for a search you must set off a detector or refuse to go through the detector.

So which was it? Liar or Ignoramus? Tell the truth now, you had your "junk" touched hundreds of times to get into a concert or you didn't. Which is it? Don't avoid the question, were all dying to find out the truth.

like I said before, you could have strip searches, cavity searches, full on X-rays, bomb sniffing dogs, ID checks, Passport checks and DNA analysis done and it would not have done anything to stop the underwear bomber. The underwear bomber was allowed to get on the plane with ZERO security checks done, they didn't even see his ID to confirm the person on the ticket. No metal detector, no security check of even the smallest kind was done. Its exactly if he had just walked into the airport off the street and just hopped on the plane and no one did shit because a Political "official" said it was ok.


Well-Known Member
Oh and one more thing for those of you who have never seen this

“ The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ”

Show me the probable cause in the case of this little kid who gets stripped searched in front of everyone.


They have ZERO probable cause unless the act of getting on a plane is criminal to start with.
Who needs the 4th amendment??? Certainly should not concern pot growers...apple and oranges! And Gosh the patriot act can't be bad...it has the word patriot right in the name...Brady is a great quarterback!

The thought of American's blindly giving up Constitutional rights because they think it is for there own good absolutely sickens my stomach...where the fuck do these people come from???

Anyone who thinks that what the jackbooted pedophiles in this video did is OK or makes anyone safe is a fucking tool. Period.


Anything that makes it safe for me to go into the frozen food isle! Huh Jesus!


Well-Known Member
Who needs the 4th amendment??? Certainly should not concern pot growers...apple and oranges! And Gosh the patriot act can't be bad...it has the word patriot right in the name...Brady is a great quarterback!

The thought of American's blindly giving up Constitutional rights because they think it is for there own good absolutely sickens my stomach...where the fuck do these people come from???

Anyone who thinks that what the jackbooted pedophiles in this video did is OK or makes anyone safe is a fucking tool. Period.


Anything that makes it safe for me to go into the frozen food isle! Huh Jesus!
The idea of paying people with guns that can demand you to stop answer questions empty your pockets strip search and touch you and your family and arrest detain or shoot you if you object doesn't make you feel safe?


Well-Known Member
The idea of paying people with guns that can demand you to stop answer questions empty your pockets strip search and touch you and your family and arrest detain or shoot you if you object doesn't make you feel safe?
It actually gives me a warm fuzzy feeling:roll:

I am trying to understand the swiftness at which many on here are willing to trash the Bill of Rights.

I can come up with only 2 things...

1) Recent (within a generation) immigrants from some shithole with a puppet dictator...

2) Much Like the prop 19 debate...Do not hold citizenship in the State affected...Maybe a bunch of Frenchies?

I can only hope that they can not or do not vote.


ink the world

Well-Known Member
Oh and one more thing for those of you who have never seen this

“ The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ”

Show me the probable cause in the case of this little kid who gets stripped searched in front of everyone.


They have ZERO probable cause unless the act of getting on a plane is criminal to start with.
At least Im smart enough not to be duped into posting a bullshit video and not even knowing THE STORY BEHIND THE VIDEO....FYI loudmouth, the kid in the video has his clothing removed AT THE REQUEST OF HIS FATHER, NOT TSA. Thats the kids parent in the striped Rugby shirt, man maybe you should actually keep up w/ current events and find a less opinion based source of your "news."

Ill answer your question if you answer mine.
Only had that happen once to me, I got arrested and was being processed. Happens to all that go into the pokie....ya know to keep out contraband out.....if it makes you feel better, the charges were dropped against me later :-)

And again, Im comfortable;e w/ the size of my penis, so I dont mind if it means keeping me and my family safe. If I was that concerned about the process, I simply wouldnt fly. I suppose if I was hung like a flea I would be opposed to the whole process :-)

So heres my questions to you:
You are so up in arms, how many times have YOU been patted down by TSA?
What would you deem to be a fair yet inclusive search?

Try to answer without all the hyperbole if thats possible for ya.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I thought you had to be an adult to post or be a member here?

Take off the tin foil hat, no one is out to get you or to convert you to being gay. FFS man, Ive been searched going into fucking concerts and pro sport events.

If you dont wanna get searched there are 2 simple ways to avoid it:
1. Dont set of the metal detectors
2. Dont fly, its a "free market" like so many wail on so much about. Use your economic power and rent a damned car instead.
If it were truly a "free market" it would be absent governmental controls such as the mandatory feel ups. A truly free market would allow an airline to decide which security measures they would offer , and the passengers could then decide to fly, not fly or start their own airline free of government intrusion.


Well-Known Member
At least Im smart enough not to be duped into posting a bullshit video and not even knowing THE STORY BEHIND THE VIDEO....FYI loudmouth, the kid in the video has his clothing removed AT THE REQUEST OF HIS FATHER, NOT TSA. Thats the kids parent in the striped Rugby shirt, man maybe you should actually keep up w/ current events and find a less opinion based source of your "news."

Ill answer your question if you answer mine.
Only had that happen once to me, I got arrested and was being processed. Happens to all that go into the pokie....ya know to keep out contraband out.....if it makes you feel better, the charges were dropped against me later :-)

And again, Im comfortable;e w/ the size of my penis, so I dont mind if it means keeping me and my family safe. If I was that concerned about the process, I simply wouldnt fly. I suppose if I was hung like a flea I would be opposed to the whole process :-)

So heres my questions to you:
You are so up in arms, how many times have YOU been patted down by TSA?
What would you deem to be a fair yet inclusive search?

Try to answer without all the hyperbole if thats possible for ya.
Do you mean instead of going to 6 flags he took him to the Airport and asked if they would search him down? or do you mean he said your not radiating him we are hear because we need to take a plane if you will not allow us to bord without an xray or a pat down we will take the search?


Well-Known Member
So heres my questions to you:
You are so up in arms, how many times have YOU been patted down by TSA?
What would you deem to be a fair yet inclusive search?
Ok so at least you admit you are a liar, claiming hundreds of these so called pat downs, yet actually only receiving one is a lie.

I have NEVER received a TSA pat down, never been patted down by anyone, ever. I have not committed any crimes to warrant such an action against me. No probable cause.

Puffer machines and dogs that can smell explosives are far more effective and far less invasive.

If you were allowed to assemble a 100 man team, had a $6 BILLION bankroll to fund you and were given a year to find one single terrorist could you do it? Well the TSA has a 60,000 man team , $63 Billion and nearly a Decade and has yet to capture, identify or thwart one single terrorist, not even one. Hows that for bang for the buck? $63 Billion and you get Bupkis.

Some links for you to consider......


http://blog.tsa.gov/2010/11/tsa-myth-or-fact-leaked-images.html .................You just HAVE to read the comments.

As far as the CBS news poll goes, try finding 10 polls like that, you can't do it because all of the other polls say the opposite.
