Opinion on something I tried


Active Member

So I tried something pointless just to see if anything eventuated from it. So about 7 weeks ago I took a small lower branch from my plant solely to trim off the shit lower branches that won't produce anything and I had a thought il stick this tiny branch (that looked like a twig with a tiny bud starting on the top and no leaves at all) and I decided to put it in a pot with some flowers my girlfriend was growing to see if it would grow. Keeping in mind I didn't wait for roots or use cloneing gel or anything, I literally pushed it in the soil.

The first 2 weeks nothing happened but I just kept the soil wet and left it alone. Then it started to grow new leaves and the tiny bud started to develop.

Thinking I'd play around with it more, as I had no interest in harvesting it in the long run, I decided to give it veg nutes and flowering nutes (prob fucked up my girlfriends flowers but she wouldn't have a clue about nutrients and all that)

Anyways now it's got tiny lower buds developing and these weird single leafs coming out next to them and on the main bud , I expect that got to do with the veg nutes haha . I might aswel add here that the main plant was cut down about 2 n half weeks ago and the buds pistils on this thing are starting to turn amber , it is autumn here in Australia and it's growing outdoors so lights are 12/12.

So anyways now I'm thinking maybe that bud and lower buds have some sort of potential to grow into something smokeable or maybe there was a way to reveg whatever it is and turn it into a plant but I have no idea if any of that is possible or how to go about that so I'm just looking for any suggestions on how to play around with this thing and maybe make something out of whatever it is. Cheers in advance


Active Member
If I was to transplant it from the pot it is in to another pot would if be fine if a few roots got damaged because my guess is that they are probably tangled with my gfs flowers roots and some will have to break


Well-Known Member
If you minimize the damage they should recover in time. Put it under 24 hours of light and it will reveg just fine. Don't give it any more flowering nutes, stick with veg while it is trying to grow up.


Active Member
alright when I get home from work later today il transplant it into a pot of its own into some organic soil and try grow it out , those single smoothed shaped leaves must be it already revegging because I haven't been taking care of it I leave in outside and lights from inside or over neighbours fence has been hitting it during the night recently . Any thing I should not do when revegging or any nutes I should use straight after the transplant to give it a push and best chance of surviving if damaged ?


Well-Known Member
alright when I get home from work later today il transplant it into a pot of its own into some organic soil and try grow it out , those single smoothed shaped leaves must be it already revegging because I haven't been taking care of it I leave in outside and lights from inside or over neighbours fence has been hitting it during the night recently . Any thing I should not do when revegging or any nutes I should use straight after the transplant to give it a push and best chance of surviving if damaged ?
Just treat it like any other vegging plant. 18 - 24 hours of light a day and a pot of dirt. Use a big spoon or something to scoop it out of the flower pot and don't worry about the longer roots getting ripped off. It will soon grow new roots once in favorable conditions. Might want to use a bread knife or something to saw around the base before scooping so you're not tearing out the flower's roots with it tho that won't likely hurt the flower either.



Well-Known Member
Why is it noobs who try and expeirement with things

why don't normal growers expeirement

this I don't understand ???
Speak for yourself. :)

Not sure how "normal" I am but I'm always experimenting with one aspect of growing or another. Have 3 Critical mass clones in pots of soil and added Septobac to one pot to see if the bacteria meant for septic tanks will affect plant growth. All three got a dose of molasses to keep things even. Nothing noticeable yet and it's been a couple weeks. :)



Well-Known Member
Speak for yourself. :)

Not sure how "normal" I am but I'm always experimenting with one aspect of growing or another. Have 3 Critical mass clones in pots of soil and added Septobac to one pot to see if the bacteria meant for septic tanks will affect plant growth. All three got a dose of molasses to keep things even. Nothing noticeable yet and it's been a couple weeks. :)

This is A FINE EXAMPLE...why do this I really don't get this train of thought..must be uhmerican thing..? but no brits fuck around too, with many under 21yo..?

did you go to college..?


Well-Known Member
This is A FINE EXAMPLE...why do this I really don't get this train of thought..must be uhmerican thing..? but no brits fuck around too, with many under 21yo..?

did you go to college..?
canadian.gif here. Not college but went to technical school in my 30's for 3 years to get a diploma in environmental chemistry. Good for 2 years uni credit had I wanted to go for a degree or Phd but 3 years was enough for me. :)

Still don't have a high school diploma tho.

Always had and still have a curious nature. Just growing after all these years is boring so coming up with experiments to add a twist keeps it interesting. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks eh. ;)

Wish I was 21 again with all I know now. I'd be filthy rich now at 63. $100 worth of Micro$oft shares at the start would have taken care of it. :D



Well-Known Member
View attachment 4119874 here. Not college but went to technical school in my 30's for 3 years to get a diploma in environmental chemistry. Good for 2 years uni credit had I wanted to go for a degree or Phd but 3 years was enough for me. :)

Still don't have a high school diploma tho.

Always had and still have a curious nature. Just growing after all these years is boring so coming up with experiments to add a twist keeps it interesting. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks eh. ;)

Wish I was 21 again with all I know now. I'd be filthy rich now at 63. $100 worth of Micro$oft shares at the start would have taken care of it. :D

thank you for your honesty its very rare even on here: in hindsight then you would be familar with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_method .

"The scientific method is the process by which science is carried out.
As in other areas of inquiry, science (through the scientific method)
can build on previous knowledge and develop a more sophisticated understanding of its topics of study over time"

Where as in the past even current the vast amount of members who call their scientific testing

..that is no science at all but teenie play the above thread is typical ..cheers/

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
What many didn't mention..
Some strains don't reveg!
They may take longer to finish but, They will not completely "reveg"!
Think about that in terms of Sativa's vs. Indica's....figure it out yet?

So many myths about cannabis growing....HT and places like this, keep them alive and well


Active Member
Alright so an update on the it, I've switched it to full light since the post , I have seen a few more single blade leaves growing but the cutting has stress hermed pretty bad , there's nanners coming out of the bud and even on the little tiny buds growing lower on the cutting I planted. Now I know once it pollinates the bud (probably already happened as there's a few banners) the plant focuses all its energy on producing seeds. So I guess my question is can I still reveg a plant (not really a plant ,more of a stick with a bud on it ) that has stress hermed and most likely pollinated the bud ? I'm still keen to play around with this and try new things if it can be reveged instead of harvesting the bud while I still can.