Opinions and any experience with these fans?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I am going to recieve my atmosphere vortex s-line 6" fan and filter by friday. I read what I could find but it wasn't alot. What there was is mostly good, but I am looking for a good quality fan as quiet as I could get.
I have also read about building boxes and silencers and much more. I am just looking for opinions and any first hand experience would be great, any links to grows or people's pages who use them?
Thanks guys.
I used dynamat on the fan, brackets, etc. That quieted it down a lot, vibration makes mucho noise! And also use INSULATED pipe, without it the air rushing sound will be REALLY annoying!! A box will render it silent, but lots if sound deadener and insulation goes a long way.
Just remember vibration if hard mounted will generate an unbelievable amount of radiated noise.
I used dynamat on the fan, brackets, etc. That quieted it down a lot, vibration makes mucho noise! And also use INSULATED pipe, without it the air rushing sound will be REALLY annoying!! A box will render it silent, but lots if sound deadener and insulation goes a long way.
Just remember vibration if hard mounted will generate an unbelievable amount of radiated noise.
My fan is loose mounted on long screws as to avoid the vibration noise.
Could also hang the fan by strings. May consider buying a fan, bigger than needed, with a speed controller & slowing it to your needs.
Could also hang the fan by strings. May consider buying a fan, bigger than needed, with a speed controller & slowing it to your needs.
A lot of guys use short bungy cords, string would have to be heavy thickness, they are slightly heavy, and vibration could break it. Rubber on bungy should kill a lot of noise. The actual fan HOUSING is gonna need soundproofing also either way, abd again, insulated duct pipe. Small investment for the difference in sound!
Make sure it is for your type of fan or it may not work well or make a whining noise from the fan. Brushed and brushless controls are different.
I got the fan and filter and I used a thick rubber bungee and took the hooks off and used heavy string, twine we call it and it holds a couple hundred pounds. I ran it through holes and hung it by the twine.
I also used insulated ducting like for an h-vac. I hung the filter on one side at top and put a piece of ducting from that to the fan, then used the rest to go out the tent.
It is pretty quiet and I am running it between half and three quarters.