Opinions and Thoughts on my Dirt Only Grow


Well-Known Member
What do you fellas think about these two beauty's? First off, I've used absolutely no nutrients so far. Besides the dirt, all I've added is tap water and sunshine. The plants are 5 weeks old right now and I used Plagron Grow as the media. I've transplanted twice and think the present containers will finish the plants out. The beans are Dutch Passion Orange Bud feminized. I am starting to get some some gray spots on a few of the fan leaves so I'm starting to wonder if I should start using a weak nute solution. Also, since I'm growing in the sun I'm kind of wondering how long it will be before the plants start to bloom. Thanks in advance for any solid opinions.



Well-Known Member
is the new growth clawed or the tip bent over in anyway at all, just try to work out its its over fert,cal/bugs, im not sure, the white spots, not rusty are on the lower half of the plant to, there is no tip burn or water stress that i can see, i can see the tips on slightly older fans leaves bending slightly or starting to, maybe calcium,


Well-Known Member
No, no burn on the tips. Just a few spots on the older fan leaves. The spots are gray and round.

I'm trying to decide if I should start a weak nute solution or maybe just add some cal/mag to the water as you suggest. Overall, the plants look amazing and I've done almost nothing to them. I don't want to ef it up now by over thinking it. I'd like to see if I can finish them without any nutes if possible. I'd love to actually find out for sure if the whole nute thing is either bullshit or at least way overrated.



Well-Known Member
its to hard to answer with some idea of you're medium, i go do a bit of research on palgron and i get back to you, also youre water whats its ph and ec, as if there no calcium in you're medium to see the plant through its cycle, more so round weeks 3 to 6 of flowring you will need to add some, as calcium in tap water, if its carbonate its not really going be any use