Opinions needed about my Northern Lights grow

How much do you think she will yield under these conditions?

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Northern lights is a indica dominant strain but if you look at the picture below, you'll see the big, almost 4 foot tall monster mother plant that has sativa-dominant characteristics being the long, skinny leaves. Now I haven't heard of a NL strain being a sativa-dominant alone, but with other strains if crossbred. I ordered these from Nirvana in a 10-pack of regulars. They started off looking all the same, looking very indica. As they grew bigger, the 2 smaller NL's stayed looking like indica, but the monster plant looked sativa.. Just a thought ha.

Another 2 questions, one being kind of a vague one that shouldn't be asked but oh, what the hell...

I'll ask the vague one first, I would like to know what kind of yield I can be looking with the monster.

The NL female in a 7.1G flexible tub standing at about 3 1/2 to 4 feet tall and is about to flower. It's supplemented in Scott's hyponex soil with plenty of perlite, and recently fed with Schultz Plant Food Plus (about a week ago), which I will feed again in about a week along with molasses. She gets about 7-8 hours of direct sunlight a day and the temperatures throughout this month have been pretty hot and relatively humid but dry with not that much rain, this past week it's been in the mid to lower 80s. I predict her to be 7-8 ft. at harvest time. Even with this information it can be a variable amount but I would like the opinion of someone experienced at growing, especially NLs preferably outdoors lol.

Last but not least, will my 7.1G tub be suitable to finish the whole grow out for her? I don't want to have to transplant her again... due to the fact that it's going to be flowering and I don't wanna transplant something that big and that far into flowering.



Grown n Oregon

Active Member
i am no expert in identifying strains but...those are/look to be 2 totally different strains. if a plant looks that much different than the other..chances r thats its for sure different. untill u see the final product side by side, assume they r different and be positive they will grow different. they look like comparing apples to oranges to me. great lookin ladies tho..nice work!


Well-Known Member
i am no expert in identifying strains but...those are/look to be 2 totally different strains. if a plant looks that much different than the other..chances r thats its for sure different. untill u see the final product side by side, assume they r different and be positive they will grow different. they look like comparing apples to oranges to me. great lookin ladies tho..nice work!
Thanks brother! At least I got one reply out of that whole essay I wrote with 184 views, and it wasn't a 2 word sentence.


Well-Known Member
I'm half curious and half worried about my 3 1/2 - 4 footer outgrowing the 7G tub. Anyone want to pitch their $0.02 in?

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
personally, i think 7gallon pots are just fine. i use 7 gallon smartpots indoors and they have no problem growing 6 footers. this late in the outdoor season (which i assume ur plants are), i wouldnt go about re-planting anything. im not sure where u live, but where i live, harvest season is soon to come and there is only about 2months left outside for good use of the sun.


Well-Known Member
personally, i think 7gallon pots are just fine. i use 7 gallon smartpots indoors and they have no problem growing 6 footers. this late in the outdoor season (which i assume ur plants are), i wouldnt go about re-planting anything. im not sure where u live, but where i live, harvest season is soon to come and there is only about 2months left outside for good use of the sun.
I need to transplant the ones in the green pots to their final pot when I get paid Wednesday. I'm posted up here in Ohio so there's about a good 2 months left, give or take.

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
have they already started to flower? if not, i would recomend planting them into something that u will be able to carry incase u need to finish them up indoors. ive have learned over the years that depending on mother nature to give out 2 good solid months of sun this time of year isnt always dependable, and on top of that the first freeze of the year seems to comes a little sooner as the years go by....just sayin.. ur cutting it close on the outdoor flowering time so have an option B ready to roll.


Well-Known Member
have they already started to flower? if not, i would recomend planting them into something that u will be able to carry incase u need to finish them up indoors. ive have learned over the years that depending on mother nature to give out 2 good solid months of sun this time of year isnt always dependable, and on top of that the first freeze of the year seems to comes a little sooner as the years go by....just sayin.. ur cutting it close on the outdoor flowering time so have an option B ready to roll.
Plan B is for whores! I've got a plan B already in place. I'll just move them indoors if I can't finish them off outdoors.