Opinions on Alcohol


Active Member
Makes sense to me!

I don't love alcohol anymore. I used to thoroughly enjoy drinking, but now, its just a change of pace when getting high just won't do, and other drugs aren't appropriate, or obtainable. I do, however, love the taste of a good IPA from time to time.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Yeah I get it. Just the term excess erodes your points. But I do get it.

I think people find 'things' to worry about, because if they worried about their behavior, and they found something wrong but didn't change it, they would be hypocrites. An over bearing dissonance would destroy them. This is why, I think, alcohol, heroin and benzo's are the most abused substances in the world.


Well-Known Member
I think Daath is putting out the best points about alcohol.

It keeps the working class happy, well, on the surface it is.

Inspiration changes everything, but I`m less of a consumer ever since I started taking drugs, which are mainly MJ & LSD.

I think everyone should face that the economy is controlling our lives now. We aren`t in charge of our own world anymore, everyone is wearing the shackles of profit orientation, keeping our system going further. Think of an ant colony, if an ant tries to lay eggs its killed as there can only be one queen ant.

Think we are really in charge ouf our own world? We can`t even cut our pollution down even though everyone knows we are heading towards some serious shit...

Also thinking further, we have 4 days worth of food going around in our seemingly endless supplies in supermarkets, we are taking our lives for granted! I mean if we had 3 months before a catastrophic event and needed to shelter, what the fuck would we do? Our ego`s would be in our paths tripping us over like there is no tomorrow.

If enough people were outside the box, it would start to change things. That would deffinately change the flow of cash through our economy, and since thats the only thing people care about we can`t have something like that. The average person drinking alcohol, his thoughts range from "im great" to "that las is fucking hot" to "that cunts looking at me and im gonna fukin nut him" ;) So simple and so useless, just makes us focus on our ego.

I mainly hate how free people drinking that shit drug are... Go and buy it from a shop then walk around 12AM in the morning shouting at the top of your voice with a booze bottle when I`m hiding away somewhere with my drug.... Unfair!


Active Member
IPA, or India pale ale. It's a style of beer. They tend to contain lots of hops, and about 7% abv.


Active Member
First let me state credentials, my mom was a blazing alcholic, used to drink anything, this included wood alcohol, perfurme, extracts and anything with alcohol.
Carted her away to treatment many times. The odds are from an alcoholic family is one in three kids will be alcoholic.
Well quess what I got to be the lucky one.

Not so much alcoholic, but addictive nature, I can get addicted to anything.
To me it seemed strange not to drink, doesn't everybody drink all the time I thought.

Well alcohol was just the tip of the iceberg, drugs were the bigger part for me.
I have gone throught treatment twice allready, the last time, best damn thing I ever did, learned a lot.

One thing I learned is understanding yourself enough can treat addictive tendencies.

I do not drink anymore, wish I could, but I still partake in other drugs.

As everything, moderation is the answer.
But alcohol is so terribly addicting it is hard to control for me, so I choose to stay away.
I seriously believe it is the most addictive and harmful drug outthere.
Many people can control it though.

Other drugs do not harm the body as much or at all, unless we are talking about crack or other harmful drugs.

My choice is opiates, I know it sounds strange, how can I control opiates and not alcohol, I don't know but I can, I think.

Trying to change though to just MJ, which is such a good drug, problem is I get paranoid.

To the original OP, I do not enjoy your comment about being able to drive while smoking, someday you may have an accident and kill somebody.
Intoxicated is intoxicated, stay home, no driving PLEASE, think how horrible you would feel if you killed somebodies child.


Well-Known Member
Alcohol is wonderful untill you add ism to it. Take it from an old pro, alcohol pretends to be your buddy while beating you up for a long time, then it turns on you and stabs you in the back.
Some of us are fortunate enough to pull the knife out and walk away. Some dont. Two of my best friends and drinking buddies since Jr high 1970-72 died this year of longterm chirosis of the liver, diabeties, etc within two weeks of each other and they were not the first.


Active Member
Alcohol is wonderful untill you add ism to it. Take it from an old pro, alcohol pretends to be your buddy while beating you up for a long time, then it turns on you and stabs you in the back.
Some of us are fortunate enough to pull the knife out and walk away. Some dont. Two of my best friends and drinking buddies since Jr high 1970-72 died this year of longterm chirosis of the liver, diabeties, etc within two weeks of each other and they were not the first.
In memory of my good buddy, BW.


Well-Known Member
Plantvision, the fact that you can manage opiates and not alcohol is pretty proud to be honest, you seem to be putting the booze on a pedestal, not saying you should drink, but c`mon, its not that good!

Sad to hear about your buddies guys..


Active Member
Plantvision, the fact that you can manage opiates and not alcohol is pretty proud to be honest, you seem to be putting the booze on a pedestal, not saying you should drink, but c`mon, its not that good!

Sad to hear about your buddies guys..
It is just that I turn into an ass when I drink and then I cannot stop at one or two or six pack or tommorrow where opiates I am mellow and I am able to stop.

Besides my wife would kick my ass if I drank, and we all know who the boss is.

I still from time to time sneak away with only one beer and drink it. Makes me feel like I am back in highschool again.

edit: manage opiates is a pretty strong combination of words, it takes alot of self control or just have enough to go a day at a time only.


Active Member
Now that i recall, i used to have a problem with alcohol. I got arrested as the end result of a blackout about 4 weeks into my freshman year of college. I used to drink hard liquor to pregame, but would end up takin 12 or more shots in 15-30 minutes. Naturally, I'd black out, and often times I would do something stupid. Each time I would drink, I'd throw up, pretty much no matter what. It took health problems to get me to change my drinking habits. I wouldn't say that I'm an alcoholic. After sitting in on 12 AA meetings, I can honestly say that I am far from an alcoholic. I would chalk my experiences up to being young and stupid as hell.


Well-Known Member
It is just that I turn into an ass when I drink and then I cannot stop at one or two or six pack or tommorrow where opiates I am mellow and I am able to stop.

Besides my wife would kick my ass if I drank, and we all know who the boss is.

I still from time to time sneak away with only one beer and drink it. Makes me feel like I am back in highschool again.

edit: manage opiates is a pretty strong combination of words, it takes alot of self control or just have enough to go a day at a time only.
Only think close to an opiate I had was kratom and it felt pretty lovely :) I`m fine with cannabis on the regular to be honest, I`m just a stoner when I can`t manage it and thats not too bad, my girl does dislike it though! :)

She is doing you a favour though! Girls are wise :)

I`d say Alcohol does get some conversation going and tastes nice and thats about it. I think a lot of people drink it to dance/act more freely and speak comfortably (students in specific). Thats a load of bullshit, it just shows how stuck up the ass we are as a society :)

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Alcohol in a nut shell is "Liquid Courage" and i fucking love it!

.... Although i will not deny that those couple times i took shot's of bourbon at 8:00am before work just to get through the morning was pretty bad lol... But then again so was that job.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Alcohol - the only true friend that is there whenever you need it no matter what.
Yeah no doubt...

Generally when i drink it always makes me feel better, i could be in the worst mood ever and it always seems lift my spirits.. I know this isnt how it is for everyone lol, some people get pissed off and angry.


Active Member
terrible as far as things go :P whats the point when theres much better things out there with less side-affects


Active Member
Alcohol isn't good for me. Other people can seem to handle it, but I can't. I can honestly say, that the last five years of my life have been anguish due to periods of alcoholism. When I'm not drinking, I'm fine. But as soon as I start drinking, I'm toast. For weeks on end sometimes. It makes me feel depressed, and miserable. Not to mention, it's TERRIBLE from a physical standpoint.

I'd much rather just smoke marijuana. I'm not going to get into a fight, lose my license, go to jail, etc., etc.

Besides, drinking is expensive as hell! I've ran up $60-$80 tabs at bars in no time flat! I couldn't smoke that much money's worth of weed in three days! (Well I could, but I wouldn't. It would be a waste.)

Bottom line: Drinking doesn't work for me. And it doesn't work for a lot of other people I know. Yet they continue to drink DAILY.

I'm all for a social drink here and there, but drinking alcoholicly (like I do) is just not a good idea.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Besides, drinking is expensive as hell! I've ran up $60-$80 tabs at bars in no time flat! I couldn't smoke that much money's worth of weed in three days! (Well I could, but I wouldn't. It would be a waste.)
LMAO I know people that smoke 60-80 a day EASY.