Opinions on possible hermi, please!


Well-Known Member
New grower panic!!!! It is definatly not a herm neither dose it look like it ever will, hermies are real different, you'd notice. Now subcool describes some plants as more hermie than others if they show a few male pollen sacs in flowering, generally associated with the feminized strains but can happen to normal strains. Even if that happens just pull the male parts off and all is cool. This is not one of those situations. Peace
Ding ding ding, we have a winner! I fuckin panic about everything. I mean y'all know how it is: got 3k tied up in equipment alone, which is.probably low very low but I just want to make sure things are going as planned, which rarely happens for me!


Well-Known Member
All new growers panic, experience is priceless when it comes to plants and patience is a virtue.

I see a lot of growers with big outlays, three grand! What the hell you doing bro when so many first grows fail too easily. Dont put all your eggs in one basket is my advice, small grows can lead to big grows. I am not a commercial grower unfortunatly and dont knock those that do it for money as long as they keep the passion that comes from the satisfaction of growing plants.

That being said it looks like your doing ok bro. Peace
Hey thanks, yea got the cart in front of the horse on equipment but I will really enjoy it once I start turning a nice crop


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Hermies look like they have a big giant attack of beetles made of plant parts attacking a node, basically. If you see 1 or 2 things, it's normal. If you see a swarm of things, then panic.


Active Member
i have only ever seen one true hermie out of a fair many plants, i have seen 2 or 3 that have produced 1 or 2 male flowers right at the end of flowering but i hardly consider them a true hermie. but when you get a real hermie you know it, they look silly to say the least. That plant you got looks fine i don't even see anything that resembles a male flower on it from the pics. a real hermie will have a lot more than 1 or 2 odd looking buds on it, there will be plenty of male and female flowers all growing together looking weird as hell. when i first started i was also very scared of an unnoticed hermie that might accidentally pollinate my whole crop and leave me with tons of seeds, but trust me when you see one its like WTF is up with that fucked up plant. one or 2 male flowers poping out at the end of flowering is no big deal tho, and yeah you prolly wont even notice them until you are trimming, and find 1 or 2 immature seeds on the buds directly under them, its typically only after finding the seeds that you are able to trace down the male flower that drooped out the bottom of the bud and dropped a little pollen. luckily that late in flower and on such a small scale it will have no effect on the plant or the quality/potency of the final product what so ever, sure you got one or 2 tiny white seeds and the most snooty of connoisseur might scoff at the fact there was a seed but haters gonna hate =)


Well-Known Member
Start of flowering is not when you change to 12/12 light cycle but when flowers first start to appear, dont look 6 weeks into flowering more like 3 or 4. Peace
Thanks for the bit of knowledge, evidently I have not made it that far in my book, so my feeding schedule is off then?? Im using the ff trio in roots organic! O am I on schedule there just not as far along as I thought?