Opinions on promix coco/perlite mix?


New Member
Was at the store today and saw the promix coco/perlite mix a 3.3cf.compressed bale for 30.00 seems like a decent deal for 6cf. Ov medium? Anyone have anything +- to say about it?


Active Member
Was at the store today and saw the promix coco/perlite mix a 3.3cf.compressed bale for 30.00 seems like a decent deal for 6cf. Ov medium? Anyone have anything +- to say about it?
Its good stuff IMO it's a soilless medium so you can feed it hydro, coco, or soil nutes. I've had best luck with botanicare coco nutes in a flood and drain. You have to water everyday sometimes twice a day or you can easily get nute lockout (dry coco gets salt buildup easily). But it's virtually impossible to overwater. It responds really well with nute teas as well if you want to add mycos to the soil and do a hybrid organic/soilless grow. It's awesome stuff that can get you hydro like growth in a "soil-like-medium". I've used it for 3 or 4 grow cycles and had nothing negative to say besides it dries up fast between watering, but that's why you get hydro like growth because you can water it more often than soil.



New Member
What would you guess the perlite ratio is? And do they use chunky? I've used a botaincare, canna, and a few others over the years but this would certainly be a better value to buy it pre mixed. For me any way.


New Member
Never mind my info was wrong as I was told it was straight coco but I've never seen promix use a straight coco mix. And I just confirmed that! Now I feel like an ass for posting the guestion


Active Member
Never mind my info was wrong as I was told it was straight coco but I've never seen promix use a straight coco mix. And I just confirmed that! Now I feel like an ass for posting the guestion
The promix I buy (promix hp) has perlite in it and it's not chunky it's about the size of peas lol some promix doesn't have it some does do you know which bale you were looking at? Hp, mp, mx ect.?


New Member
My partner showed it to me but I was looking for some spray nozzle's but, I couldn't find anything about it. That's becuz he can't read and told me it was a straight coco perlite mix which doesn't exist(for now) i just should have looked before asking guys. Thanks for the replies on the promix peops. Sorry for the rooky mistake. I don't do to much computering man. The wife just got me a phone so I can look at sites like this


Well-Known Member
Pro Mix is to expensive for what you get I've used it but for 36 $ a bale it's to pricy I just buy a 10$ bale of peat 3x3 cu feet and my own Verm and my own perlite and mix at whatever ratio I prefer and it only cost about 20$ it saves me 16 $ and works just as good if not better


New Member
I buy my coco straight from the distributor my price is verry low. I just thought if promix had a coco/perlite mix I could swing a deal on large volume. Turns out a 2 minute search could have negated my asking the question. I have a hard time mixing soils or washing coco for the volume of plants I run. It's tough to hold that much product on hand. I run a fairly large operation. Buying products to simplify the operation is a must.


Well-Known Member
Was at the store today and saw the promix coco/perlite mix a 3.3cf.compressed bale for 30.00 seems like a decent deal for 6cf. Ov medium? Anyone have anything +- to say about it?
Pro Mix is a top of the line manufacturer. All of their stuff is good. I especially like Pro Mix HP. I use it uncut with bottled nutes, and I'm really pleased with my results.

I've never used coco, but I've read good things about it.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I buy my coco straight from the distributor my price is verry low. I just thought if promix had a coco/perlite mix I could swing a deal on large volume. Turns out a 2 minute search could have negated my asking the question. I have a hard time mixing soils or washing coco for the volume of plants I run. It's tough to hold that much product on hand. I run a fairly large operation. Buying products to simplify the operation is a must.
makes you wonder if anyone actually reads the posts or just the thread title before they post. Maybe ask to have the thread title changed to "nevermind" lol