

Well-Known Member
H.S.O UK Cheese Auto on the left, ILGM Super Skunk Auto on the right 24 days old stated flowering a few days ago dosed them with GH Flora Micro, Bloom, Liquid Koolbloom and Bud candy a couple days ago and they seem to be loving it. Do these look normal sized for Autos? Thanks



Well-Known Member
Cool man thanks....I've grown hundreds and hundreds of photos never an auto insurance thought they were suppose to be easier.....lol


Well-Known Member
One more question bro..... ..I'm only doing 2 autos and I'm using a 150 hps.......I have a 2 foot 8 tube T5HO 6500k should I add that t5 back into the grow with the hps??? Or is it just gunna be a waste of electricity cause if I hang it vertically it will be at least 10 inches away from the plants.....just wondering


Well-Known Member
One more question bro..... ..I'm only doing 2 autos and I'm using a 150 hps.......I have a 2 foot 8 tube T5HO 6500k should I add that t5 back into the grow with the hps??? Or is it just gunna be a waste of electricity cause if I hang it vertically it will be at least 10 inches away from the plants.....just wondering

be careful with that kool bloom stuff ....i used it before and had some bad reactions in autos never used since

as for the t5 light aye your fine .......think about angling it if u do this just rotate the planter 1/4 turn every watering to keep a even fill out on the plant


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info online the koolbloom I've always used it with great results but that was with photos so I'll discontinue it from my feeding program. Yeah the 150 hps is rated at 16,000 lumens the t5 is also rated 16,000 lumens I just figured he extra lumens couldn't hurt. I've also read about people having better success flowering with the 6500k than the 2700k is this true to your knowledge? The 150 hps seems to be doing just fine by itself although I must say the t5 vegges beautifully. 16,000 lumens should be fine for 2 autos anyway I believe, do you think 150 hps is sufficient for 2 autos? I appreciate all your info bro, I'd rather ask 1 person who knows what it is than get 10 different suggestions from 10 different people


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info online the koolbloom I've always used it with great results but that was with photos so I'll discontinue it from my feeding program. Yeah the 150 hps is rated at 16,000 lumens the t5 is also rated 16,000 lumens I just figured he extra lumens couldn't hurt. I've also read about people having better success flowering with the 6500k than the 2700k is this true to your knowledge? The 150 hps seems to be doing just fine by itself although I must say the t5 vegges beautifully. 16,000 lumens should be fine for 2 autos anyway I believe, do you think 150 hps is sufficient for 2 autos? I appreciate all your info bro, I'd rather ask 1 person who knows what it is than get 10 different suggestions from 10 different people
they respond really well to a mixed spectrum from what ive experienced .... they are almost backwards from a photo .... little more red during veg and more blues during flower ..... might just be a personal preference but i like them to stretch a bit more during veg so i have more room to lst them and get everything in the zone to make the best of my lights... as for the wattage what you have will work but for the pot size you have going with those lights you shouldnt have to feed them much ..... really 100w a plant would be bare minimum in a 5 gal but just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's a good idea I did a bunch of LST on my cheese that really opened it up and has made it develop nicely so yeah I'm definitely going to throw that t5 back in there just blast them with both spectrums


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info online the koolbloom I've always used it with great results but that was with photos so I'll discontinue it from my feeding program. Yeah the 150 hps is rated at 16,000 lumens the t5 is also rated 16,000 lumens I just figured he extra lumens couldn't hurt. I've also read about people having better success flowering with the 6500k than the 2700k is this true to your knowledge? The 150 hps seems to be doing just fine by itself although I must say the t5 vegges beautifully. 16,000 lumens should be fine for 2 autos anyway I believe, do you think 150 hps is sufficient for 2 autos? I appreciate all your info bro, I'd rather ask 1 person who knows what it is than get 10 different suggestions from 10 different people
5 k is needed for the plant to live ....your would be at a total of 25k ........not bad but i rather be in the 50/60k minimal (personally i really like over kill factor 98k lumens for veggie 150k lumens for flowering using a 440cfm fan )

more light more water right feed u get phat plants

Honestly....the 150w hps is just to weak for me to justify using it ..........personally i think u would be better off with a LED
less heat
more power in the light for growth/flowering
uses energy/power more effectively then HIDs or LED


Well-Known Member
I feel ya man......where I use to live in ran 2 1000 hps I moved and lost any kind of growing space. So all my high power equipment is boxed up screaming to be used again. Where I moved since there was nowhere to grow I bought a 3x3x5 tent have exhaust and filter but it has to vent back into the bedroom so I couldn't use anything that would produce to much heat....man I'm basically using this romper room shit just to be growing it's my passion ya know and it pains me to know I'm not giving my girls what they need but I'm fuckin stuck like chuck