Opinoins and some help for my white widdow grow.


Well-Known Member
Well , this is my first post and theres really nothing fascinating about me so ill skip the intro :mrgreen:

Hey guys, Been eyeing this community for a while and i need some advise/help for my soon-to-be grow op.

Basically i plan to follow MonkeeMans Stealth grow 12/12 from seed with a few white widdow seeds, in a similar stealthy setup (https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/66752-monkees-grow-stealth-seed-12-a.html), all credits go to him for that, thnx for a great setup idea.

Basically im only going to have 2 plants at max in 1 rubbermaid box, but i have a problem.

Im very low on money and cant afford HPS, and have never grown with CFL , and on Monkee's guide i didnt see much on lights.
How many CFL's would i need to keep 2 plants happy in a rubbermaid container similar to his setup ? Im pretty fuckin broke right now and almost cant afford the bare minimums so carbon filters and expensive air exchange units cant be used! Anyone suggest a low tech method of keeping smell out/ giving the plant some air and cool up the lights in the box? Will a revolving fan do ?

Thats really all i need to know guys and any help will be greatly appreciated , gona start a grow log as soon as im done with the drawing board.

Thanks guys:peace:


Well-Known Member
its been my experience with rubbermaids that they tend to get really hot. especially without a lot of ventilation, so keep an eye on that. as for cheap smell reducers: activated charcoal is good but i think you have to replace it ever couple weeks. if you have pretty decent ventilation you can use dryer sheets stuffed in a tube. that'll make your grow room smell nice :).

if you dont have to be super stealth (i.e. don't live with anyone who can't know) then i dont know if i'd worry too much about 2 plants. yeah they'll smell, but nothing that an air freshener and an open window can't handle. though that being said smell is still an easy way to get caught. i have 2 plants in my basement and it stinks in the room but you can't smell it anywhere else and no visitors would ever have a reason to go down there so i don't try to cover it up at all.

for the amount of cfl's question: as many as you can afford and doesn't overheat your setup. vague i know. i use a bare minimum of 3 lights per plant and they're short and bushy. just remember soft white (more red) for flowering, cool white (more blue) for veg.

hope i could help and good luck on your first grow!!
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Well-Known Member
its been my experience with rubbermaids that they tend to get really hot. especially without a lot of ventilation, so keep an eye on that. as for cheap smell reducers: activated charcoal is good but i think you have to replace it ever couple weeks. if you have pretty decent ventilation you can use dryer sheets stuffed in a tube. that'll make your grow room smell nice :).

if you dont have to be super stealth (i.e. don't live with anyone who can't know) then i dont know if i'd worry too much about 2 plants. yeah they'll smell, but nothing that an air freshener and an open window can't handle. though that being said smell is still an easy way to get caught. i have 2 plants in my basement and it stinks in the room but you can't smell it anywhere else and no visitors would ever have a reason to go down there so i don't try to cover it up at all.

for the amount of cfl's question: as many as you can afford and doesn't overheat your setup. vague i know. i use a bare minimum of 3 lights per plant and they're short and bushy. just remember soft white (more red) for flowering, cool white (more blue) for veg.

hope i could help and good luck on your first grow!!
Thanks for your answer (: , just 1 last question , how much should the wattage on each CFL be to maintain proper growth ( both soft and cool white ) ? I do live with my girlfriend so stealth is a must, theres no telling what she would do if she found them :joint:


Well-Known Member
you should get as much wattage per CFL as you can. the more watts the more lumens. the most i've been able to find in my small town is 42 watts and it works fine, but if you can find ones with more then absolutely get them. :)


Well-Known Member
You will need ventilation, CFL's do put alot of heat out, just not from the bulb, its from the base where the ballast is. Might wanna think about 2 small fans you could run off a wall wart charger or something, like muffin fans. 1 at bottom sucking in and 1 at top opposite corner blowing out, you wont need a fan inside blowing on the plants that way.

They do make 125 watt CFL, but you would need to know how to wire things to make it work. Just get as many of the ones you can afford to fit inside, the more watts the better.

Your GF will find it, probably oughtta tell her anyway.


Well-Known Member
Your GF will find it, probably oughtta tell her anyway.
you are absolutely right. hiding it will only bring more problems. you shouldn't have to hide who you are from a GF. but be extra careful, as people get busted due to vindictive (ex)girlfriends.


Well-Known Member
you are absolutely right. hiding it will only bring more problems. you shouldn't have to hide who you are from a GF. but be extra careful, as people get busted due to vindictive (ex)girlfriends.
sometimes we have to keep things from the people we love , everyone does it at some level - i do it with weed

i also have to do 12/12 light period , for smaller growth inside the rubber maid and gona line up the walls with chip packets ( mylar )