Well-Known Member

Hey Chris!
I have opened registration for the 2019 Overgrow Canada campaign!
You can sign up for your 100 free cannabis seeds by clicking here.
I am offering the same variety as last year. A low-THC, high-CBD strain called Freedom Dream. I've given away nine million seeds since we launched this campaign in 2016.
The goal of this campaign is to get these plants growing in public places. Sprout them at home and get them started, then put the seedlings in traffic circles, community parks, city hall gardens, and anywhere else where they can be seen and enjoyed by everyone.
Many people have been growing these plants at home, to produce a source of CBD. That's fine too!
Donations are not mandatory, but they are appreciated! You can donate a few dollars by clicking here.
This year I am also launching a new, different phase of the Overgrow Canada campaign. I am encouraging people to grow opium poppies!
I'm not asking people to grow poppies in public places like with the cannabis, because poppies already grow openly all across the country. Instead I am asking people to grow some opium poppies on their own property, then to send me the heads when they are ripe, so that I can make opium tea!
I'm not giving away the poppy seeds, but I provide links to where you can buy them for a reasonable price.
Why am I asking people to grow opium poppies? Good question!
There's a massive opiate overdose crisis happening in Canada. All the health and drug policy experts agree that the way to stop overdoses is to create a safe drug supply.
There's talk of providing hydromorphone, an injectable opiate, to users in Vancouver. I support this. But I also think that we should be offering safer alternatives first.
Cannabis and kratom are two alternatives which should be explored as substitutes for opiates. I am already supplying free cannabis and kratom through some overdose prevention sites in Vancouver. But they don't work for everyone. Some people need opiates. For those people, opium tea is a safer option.
Drinking opium tea is much safer than injecting heroin. There's several studies showing that when opium tea gets banned, heroin use increases. This has been documented in Southeast Asia, and also here in Canada. It seems to me that the reverse should also be true: making opium tea more available will reduce heroin use.
So I want to make opium tea available, in a safe and controlled way, to a select number of users, depending on how much tea I can produce. We will see if the tea can be a safer substitute for some opiate users, ideally eliminating their injection drug use entirely.
Growing opium poppies is a grey area in Canada, but making opium is definitely illegal. I don't recommend you extract the opium latex from the plants yourself. You can just send me the heads when they are ripe and I will produce the opium.
I know this seems like a wild idea. But I feel that with 11 overdose deaths every day in Canada, this is a desperate time that requires desperate measures.
If you're interested in participating in this opium effort, send me an email. I am hoping that together we can produce a decent quantity of opium and make a real difference in this crisis.
Thank you for your interest and support!
I also have some exciting new projects which I will be announcing over the coming weeks and months. Stay tuned!
Director, Overgrow Canada
PS: Many Vancouver dispensaries need your help to stay open and keep serving their patients and members.
Please click here to send a message to Vancouver City Council!
Sensible BC · 207 W Hastings St, 311, Vancouver, BC V6B 1H7, Canada