Optimal Affordable Dehumidifier options (Small-Scale)


Well-Known Member
So I'm a legal grower in Michigan trying to figure out the best tools to use without spending the biggest bucks. Everyone I know has recommended Ares or Quest 225 and when I look these up they're almost $3,000 per after tax..

I'm currently easily holding 53-55% Relative Humidity with 3 "70 pint" dehumidifiers that almost run constantly. I know right? Electric savings!

What are your guys thoughts on dehumidifying a ~1000 sq/ft area economically without dumping a few thousand on quests or am I going to have to just run the 220 and buy the units bite the bullet?
P.S this room has a 3 Ton Mini-Split installed that runs on Cool mode @ 72 F - 22 C. (Lights on the actual ambient temp in the room reaches around 78 F (25 C) at the actual canopies. Relative Humidity is 50-53% at canopies usually...