Optimum veg time?


Active Member
Ok these are 3 and half weeks old theres so many opinions on veg time, they curently stand @ 5 inces tall how long before i should flower all comments v welcome, discuss!! :evil::evil: bongsmilie :evil::evil:



Well-Known Member
Ok these are 3 and half weeks old theres so many opinions on veg time, they curently stand @ 5 inces tall how long before i should flower all comments v welcome, discuss!! :evil::evil: bongsmilie :evil::evil:
Hey they look good! Really there is no right answer to this. The longer you veg for, the bigger your yield, however your biggest limiting factor is space - she will grow to twice, or possibly even triple, her height once in flowering. So it's kind of up to you. Personally I veg for 8 weeks, but I have eight feet of vertical space to work with.:peace:


first of all those indicas look great!!! next up its always best to veg your plants untill they are sexually mature, or have alternating internodes!!!! time varies from strain to strain but it takes about 6 weeks on average


Active Member
bang it in youtube mate, loads of clips on topping/pruning and you can see it being done so you wont worry if you decide to do it, not for me tho having plenty of headroom.


Active Member
Ok thanks, i have around 7 feet of hight so im good 4 head room but am pickin up good growin tip n' trix all the time, thanks guys..